Saturday, January 16, 2010


This is a sort of reverse dictionary.
We know meaning or a part of the meaning of a word. But, we do not know the word itself. We try to recollect the word from our memory. We may end miserable, because of poor memory. This search, will probably help.

This search is case-sensitive.


tobacco poisoning |tabacosis .`
blood-sucking insect; gad-fly |tabanid .`
striped watered silk and satin fabric |tabaret .`
snuff-box |tabatière .`
plain-woven silk taffeta fabric |tabby .`
wasting away; emaciation |tabefaction .`
auditor; carrier of letters |tabellary .`
scrivener |tabellion .`
ornamental container for storing Communion bread and wine |tabernacle .`
resembling or pertaining to a tabernacle |tabernacular .`
wasting; shrivelling |tabescent .`
wasting; consumptive; producing tabes |tabific .`
silk and wool watered fabric |tabinet .`
mental image or picture; plate-like surface or object |tablature .`
apron; part of dress resembling an apron |tablier .`
language typical of tabloid journalism |tabloidese .`
light medieval drum buckled onto the player's chest |tabor .`
low stool; embroidery frame |tabouret .`
things not to be mentioned |tacenda .`
silent |tacent .`
link |tach .`
instrument for rapidly measuring survey points on a map |tacheometer .`
painting by smearing or splattering |tachism .`
instrument for rapidly showing images on a screen to test perception |tachistoscope .`
instrument for recording speed of rotation |tachograph .`
instrument for measuring speed of rotation |tachometer .`
shorthand |tachygraphy .`
measurement of speed |tachymetry .`
abnormally rapid or voluble speech |tachyphrasia .`
early cinematograph |tachyscope .`
contact; touch |taction .`
instrument measuring sense of touch |tactometer .`
resembling or pertaining to or derived from the sense of touch |tactual .`
band; tapeworm; fillet |taenia .`
killing of tapeworms |taeniacide .`
like a ribbon or tapeworm |taeniate .`
of a ribbon-like shape |taenioid .`
thin glossy silk |taffeta .`
rail round the stern of a ship |taffrail .`
analysis of arrangement of spoken elements |tagmeme .`
tin foil used as backing for mirror; thin tin plate |tain .`
pain in heel or ankle |talalgia .`
ankle-length robe |talar .`
resembling or pertaining to or reaching the ankles |talaric .`
walking on the outer side of the foot |taligrade .`
retributive; like for like |talionic .`
one with a club-foot |taliped .`
feudal tax of a lord on tenants; any tax or toll |tallage .`
to impose a tax |talliate .`
mole or similar mark on the body |talpa .`
rock detritus or debris at the base of a slope |talus .`
sloping buttress or fortification |tambour .`
thin glazed worsted |tamin .`
thin wool |tamis .`
protective plug placed in mouth of gun or cannon |tampion .`
pincer-like instruments of torture |tanacles .`
two-seated carriage with horses harnessed in series |tandem .`
sensory receptor responding to touch |tangoreceptor .`
succession by previously elected relative |tanistry .`
a person fit for college education |tanquam .`
locked case used to hold wine bottles |tantalus .`
worthwhile |tanti .`
share of profits or royalties |tantième .`
at full gallop; headlong |tantivy .`
a person who bears a taper during a religious procession |taperer .`
fear of being buried alive |taphephobia .`
vertical movement of the earth's crust |taphrogenesis .`
use of degrading or diminutive diction regarding a topic |tapinosis .`
use of light taps in massage |tapotement .`
crested |tappit .`
four-wheeled carriage mounted on poles |tarantas .`
fast violent Italian folk dance |tarantella .`
irresistible urge to dance |tarantism .`
hysteria suffered by a man |tarassis .`
slow-paced |tardigrade .`
slow in speech |tardiloquous .`
thin sheer stiff cotton |tarlatan .`
lie; falsehood; nonsense; fib |tarradiddle .`
act of tarrying or delaying; procrastination |tarriance .`
of the quality or consistency of tar |tarrish .`
beliefs about hell or the underworld |tartarology .`
instrument for measuring stress in a structure |taseometer .`
instrument for measuring changes in pressure |tasimeter .`
one of a series of armour plates that go around the hips like a skirt |tasse .`
wine taster |tastevin .`
experimentation; trial and error |tatonnement .`
armadillo |tatou .`
tattered; ragged; scarecrow-like |tatterdemalion .`
brownish-grey |taupe .`
resembling or pertaining to a bull |taurean .`
killing or killer of a bull |tauricide .`
having horns like a bull's |tauricornous .`
having the form of a bull |tauriform .`
resembling or pertaining to bulls |taurine .`
bull-like; of a bull |taurine .`
bullfighting |tauromachy .`
bull-shaped |tauromorphous .`
lasting the same amount of time |tautochronous .`
repetition of an idea implied in a statement |tautological .`
possession of more than one structure by a substance |tautomerism .`
taxonomic name in which genus and species are the same |tautonym .`
repetition of the same sound |tautophony .`
to prepare skins by soaking, salting, stretching and paring |taw .`
thong used for punishment |taws .`
resembling or pertaining to yew trees |taxaceous .`
a basic unit of systems of classification |taxeme .`
instrument for measuring fee for hired vehicle |taximeter .`
movement of a whole organism |taxis .`
cup with saucer-shaped bowl on a pedestal |tazza .`
brush with hooked bits used in napping cloth |teasel .`
government by technical experts |technocracy .`
description of arts and crafts |technography .`
resembling or pertaining to stone tools |technolithic .`
craze for technology |technomania .`
laws of industrial arts |technonomy .`
a person who is fond of technology |technophile .`
fear of technology |technophobia .`
place where high-technology industries located |technopole .`
teaching of children |tecnology .`
shaped like a roof |tectiform .`
resembling or pertaining to building; structural |tectonic .`
science of structure of objects, buildings and landforms |tectonics .`
covering |tectorial .`
part of the earth that moves during plate tectonic activity |tectosphere .`
small feather of a bird's wing |tectrix .`
to spread grass for drying |ted .`
bearing a torch |tediferous .`
injury; grief |teen .`
a sheep in its second year; the fleece of such a sheep |teg .`
study and collecting of beer mats |tegestology .`
covering or shell |tegmen .`
resembling or pertaining to coverings or outer shells |tegmental .`
covering; protecting |tegminal .`
tile |tegula .`
resembling or overlapping like tiles or slates |tegular .`
composed of plates overlapping like tiles |tegulated .`
natural covering of an animal or plant body |tegument .`
visual blurring and colours associated with migraines |teichopsia .`
observation from the perspective of a wall |teichoscopy .`
prism telescope |teinoscope .`
the naming of the parent from the child |teknonymy .`
perception of events or objects not actually present or near |telaesthesia .`
a column carved in the shape of a human male |telamon .`
creature that spins a web |telarian .`
web-spinning |telary .`
telegraph that reproduces writing done with a pen or pencil |telautograph .`
four-wheeled springless wagon |telega .`
knowledge of events taking place far away; clairvoyance |telegnosis .`
influence of previous mate on offspring of current one |telegony .`
transmission of computerized data over long distances |telematics .`
instrument for measuring strain or distance from observer |telemeter .`
application of spirit energy at a distance |telenergy .`
study of final causes; analysis in terms of purpose |teleology .`
characteristic of being governed by an overall purpose |teleonomy .`
vital |teleorganic .`
physical force at work in telepathy |telergy .`
tremor due to a very distant earthquake |teleseism .`
making use of natural or social processes for a goal |telesis .`
instrument for analysing radiation omitted by distant bodies |telespectroscope .`
instrument for viewing distant objects stereoscopically |telestereoscope .`
abnormal impression of objects beyond the senses |telesthesia .`
resembling or pertaining to the mysteries |telestic .`
poem where final letters of each line spell a word |telestich .`
instrument that allows deaf people to feel sound vibrations |teletactor .`
expressing purpose; purposive; signifying intention |telic .`
signalling apparatus like a semaphore system |tellograph .`
resembling or pertaining to the earth |tellural .`
terrestrial |tellurian .`
instrument using microwaves to measure distance |tellurometer .`
study of swamps |telmatology .`
resembling or pertaining to transmission of power to a distance |telodynamic .`
aim; purpose; ultimate end |telos .`
telepathy between living persons |teloteropathy .`
system of cargo conveyance using electric motor and cable |telpherage .`
last segment of a crustacean |telson .`
place dedicated to a god; sacred precinct |temenos .`
rashly or presumptuously daring |temerarious .`
painting using white of egg instead of oil |tempera .`
having a moderating influence |temperative .`
timely; seasonable |tempestive .`
indicating time when |temporal .`
lasting only a short while |temporaneous .`
in the time of |tempore .`
to delay; to procrastinate |temporise .`
intoxication |temulence .`
pincers |tenaculum .`
outwork in main ditch of a fortification |tenaille .`
designed to advance a cause |tendentious .`
instrument for measuring tenderness of fruits and vegetables |tenderometer .`
producing darkness |tenebrific .`
dark; gloomy |tenebrose .`
clause in a deed defining land tenure |tenendum .`
heraldic designation for orange-brown colour |tenne .`
projecting part of joint for inserting into mortise |tenon .`
instrument for measuring vapour pressure |tensimeter .`
instrument for measuring tension |tensiometer .`
experiment; attempt |tentamen .`
experiment by trial and error |tentation .`
lust-provoking |tentiginous .`
priapism; morbid lasciviousness |tentigo .`
bearing; carriage; manner of dress |tenue .`
making or becoming tepid |tepefaction .`
ash and debris ejected by volcano |tephra .`
dating of volcanic eruptions by studying layers of ash |tephrochronology .`
divination by ashes |tephromancy .`
incineration |tephrosis .`
state of being tepid or lukewarm |tepor .`
of abnormal or monstrous form |teramorphous .`
monster, malformed person or animal |teratism .`
producing monsters or abnormal growth |teratogenic .`
monstrous |teratoid .`
study of monsters, freaks, abnormal growths or malformations |teratology .`
prayer service held at 9 a.`m.` |terce .`
male hawk |tercel .`
group of three rhyming lines |tercet .`
three times per day |terdiurnal .`
to bore into; to pierce |terebrate .`
smooth and cylindrical or tapering |terete .`
resembling or pertaining to the back |tergal .`
equivocation |tergiversation .`
an overbearing or nagging woman |termagant .`
indicating motion up to or time until |terminative .`
doctrine that there is a time limit for repentance |terminism .`
in threes; having three components; having three as a base |ternary .`
use of various skills to extend life of equipment |terotechnology .`
resembling or pertaining to dancing |terpsichorean .`
earthen |terraceous .`
reddish-brown |terracotta .`
kind of earthy fertiliser |terramara .`
resembling or pertaining to the earth |terraneous .`
amphibious; consisting of land and water |terraqueous .`
flooring of chips of marble |terrazzo .`
magnetic model of the earth |terrella .`
seismic |terremotive .`
of the earth; earthly; worldly; mundane |terrene .`
top of a rampart where guns are mounted |terreplein .`
swivel-ring; ring for fastening chain to |terret .`
living in or on the soil |terricolous .`
register or roll of rents from an estate |terrier .`
produced on land; produced by the land |terrigenous .`
earth-born; derived from the land |terriginous .`
earthenware jar or dish |terrine .`
piled fabric consisting of uncut loops |terry .`
cleansing; detersive |tersive .`
stanza of three lines |terzain .`
unit of magnetic flux density equal to one weber per square meter |tesla .`
speaking four languages |tessaraglot .`
to form into or adorn with mosaic |tessellate .`
fitting together exactly; leaving no spaces |tessellation .`
small token or ticket; block of stone used in mosaic; password |tessera .`
figure of a cube within a cube |tesseract .`
resembling or pertaining to dice games |tesserarian .`
division into four parts |tesseratomy .`
of or having a hard shell; brick-red |testaceous .`
certificate of having passed an examination |testamur .`
piece of armour for the head; headgear for a horse |tester .`
canopy over a bed, pulpit or altar |tester .`
having the testes concealed within the body |testicond .`
resembling or pertaining to tortoises or tortoise-shell |testudinal .`
wheeled shelter used for protection from above attacks |testudo .`
causing tetanus |tetanigenous .`
irritable |tetchy .`
divided into fours |tetrachotomous .`
concerning theory that there are four primary colours |tetrachromatic .`
government by four people; tetrarchy |tetradarchy .`
sacred word or acronym of four letters |tetragrammaton .`
cube with pyramid erected on each face |tetrakishexahedron .`
quandary with four alternatives |tetralemma .`
having four parts |tetramerous .`
artistic representation of the four evangelists in one figure |tetramorph .`
quadruped |tetrapod .`
group of four cities |tetrapolis .`
having four wings |tetrapteran .`
hinged painting in four parts |tetraptych .`
government by four people |tetrarchy .`
study of cephalopods |teuthology .`
obsession with Teutonic or German things |Teutomania .`
a chimney; the rectum or anus of a horse |tewel .`
study of the production of texts |textology .`
resembling or pertaining to weaving |textorial .`
resembling or pertaining to weaving |textrine .`
a person having extensive biblical knowledge |textuary .`
marine; type of sea turtle |thalassian .`
sovereignty of the seas; thalassocracy |thalassiarchy .`
marine; of seas; of inland seas |thalassic .`
sovereignty of the seas |thalassocracy .`
science of the sea |thalassography .`
instrument for measuring tides |thalassometer .`
living in or fond of the sea |thalassophilous .`
fear of the sea |thalassophobia .`
medical treatment using baths in sea water |thalassotherapy .`
feeding on fresh vegetable matter |thalerophagous .`
sensation of warmth |thalposis .`
middle of navigable waterway used as boundary line |thalweg .`
belief that the soul dies with the body |thanatism .`
indicating or characteristic of death |thanatognomonic .`
narrative of a death |thanatography .`
apparently dead; deathly; deadly |thanatoid .`
study of death and its customs |thanatology .`
belief that one has been affected by death magic, and resulting illness |thanatomania .`
fear of death |thanatophobia .`
view of or reflection upon death |thanatopsis .`
gangrene; necrosis; state imitating death |thanatosis .`
funeral rites |thanatousia .`
doctrine of the miraculous origin of life |thaumatogeny .`
description of natural wonders |thaumatography .`
worship of miracles or wonders |thaumatolatry .`
study of miracles |thaumatology .`
gadged showing persistence of visual impressions using spinning disk |thaumatrope .`
performing of miracles |thaumaturgy .`
divine and human at the same time |theandric .`
simultaneously human and divine |theanthropic .`
system of belief concerning Christ as god and man |theanthroposophy .`
rule by a god or gods; body of divine rulers |thearchy .`
goverment by gathered assemblies of citizens |theatrocracy .`
craze for going to plays |theatromania .`
sheath; capsule |theca .`
having a sheath |thecate .`
thievish |theftuous .`
tooth-grinding in order to sharpen teeth |thegosis .`
of the form of tea |theiform .`
belief in the existence of God without special revelation |theism .`
resembling or pertaining to will or volition; voluntary |thelematic .`
allowing people to do as they wish |thelemic .`
libertine |thelemite .`
inflammation of the nipple |thelitis .`
parthenogenetic production of females only |thelytoky .`
belief that God is central fact of existence |theocentrism .`
government by priests or by religious law |theocracy .`
mixture of religions; fitting other religions into own |theocrasy .`
defense of goodness in view of the existence of evil |theodicy .`
student of God; a person who is taught by God |theodidact .`
surveying instrument for measuring angles |theodolite .`
hymn in praise of God |theody .`
marriage of gods |theogamy .`
accounting for the origin or presence of gods |theogonic .`
seizure or possession by a god |theolepsy .`
petty or shallow theologian |theologaster .`
theological statement as opposed to divine one |theologoumenon .`
war amongst or against the gods |theomachy .`
divination by means of oracles |theomancy .`
belief that one is a god |theomania .`
punisher of mortals sent by God; such a punishment |theomastix .`
measurement or estimation of God |theometry .`
a person who belittles God |theomicrist .`
government or rule by God |theonomy .`
belief that God is the only reality |theopantism .`
emotional experience brought on by religious belief |theopathy .`
sacramental consumption of a god |theophagy .`
manifestation or appearance of a god to people |theophany .`
love of both God and humanity |theophilanthropism .`
a person who loves or is loved by God |theophile .`
fear of God |theophobia .`
having the name of a god; derived from a god's name |theophorous .`
divinely inspired |theopneustic .`
belief that the soul is of a divine nature |theopsychism .`
double-necked lute |theorbo .`
immediate divine illumination or wisdom |theosophy .`
use of the gods as primary moving force in a poem or play |theotechny .`
faith healing |theotherapy .`
title given to the Virgin Mary as bearer of God |theotokos .`
unit of work for quantifying industrial operations |therblig .`
into that or it |thereinto .`
bestial; savage |thereoid .`
therapeutics |thereology .`
thereupon |thereon .`
thereupon; forthwith |therewith .`
besides |therewithal .`
antidote to venomous bites |theriac .`
resembling or pertaining to antidotes |theriacal .`
combining human and animal forms |therianthropic .`
veterinary medicine |theriatrics .`
malignant |theriodic .`
study of animals' reproductive systems |theriogenology .`
animal-worship |theriolatry .`
animal form in art |theriomorph .`
transformation into a beast |theriomorphosis .`
unit of quantity of heat equal to 100,000 British thermal units |therm .`
sensitivity to heat or cold |thermaesthesia .`
apparatus for cooling air |thermantidote .`
resembling or pertaining to heat |thermic .`
production of heat |thermogenesis .`
instrument for recording changes in temperature |thermograph .`
study of motion of heat |thermokinematics .`
easily decomposed by heat |thermolabile .`
study of heat |thermology .`
decomposition caused by heat |thermolysis .`
instrument for recording changes in temperature |thermometrograph .`
resembling or pertaining to stimulation by heat |thermonous .`
preferring or thriving in high temperatures |thermophilous .`
instrument measuring minute changes in temperature |thermopile .`
sunstroke |thermoplagia .`
instrument indicating change in temperature |thermoscope .`
movement influenced or controlled by heat |thermotaxis .`
growth of organism influenced by heat |thermotropism .`
resembling or pertaining to a beast or wild animal |theroid .`
study of wild mammals |therology .`
scurrilous; violent in manner of speech |thersitical .`
resembling or pertaining to a thesis |thesial .`
law-giver |thesmothete .`
positively asserting; bearing the thesis; prescribed |thetic .`
magic or miracles by the agency of good spirits |theurgy .`
pillory for women that keeps the legs together |thewe .`
group of worshippers gathered to dance in praise of gods |thiasus .`
movement of plant towards or away from an object |thigmotaxis .`
turning of an object in response to touch |thigmotropism .`
resembling or pertaining to or containing sulphur |thionic .`
petty constable of a township |thirdborough .`
old liquid measure of three pints; one-third of anything |thirdendeal .`
to that place |thither .`
temporary reduction in viscosity when shaken or stirred |thixotropy .`
constriction; compression |thlipsis .`
belief that the soul dies with the body, to be reborn on day of judgement |thnetopsychism .`
to endure; to suffer |thole .`
pin in the side of a boat to keep oar in place |thole .`
circular substructure on which a dome rests |tholobate .`
dome-shaped lava extrusion plugging the vent of a volcano |tholoid .`
round building; dome; cupola |tholus .`
like a wolf |thooid .`
instrument for viewing the thorax and chest wall |thoracoscope .`
supposed technique for transferring mental images onto photographs |thoughtography .`
boastful; bragging |thrasonic .`
science of breeding domestic animals and plants |thremmatology .`
mournful |threnetic .`
mournful |threnodic .`
ode or song of lamentation; lament; dirge |threnody .`
science of nutrition |threpsology .`
resembling or pertaining to the rearing of young |threptic .`
divination using pebbles |thrioboly .`
through |thro .`
depression between collarbones where they meet the breastbone |throat-pit .`
blood clot |thrombus .`
resembling or pertaining to a throne |thronal .`
throat or windpipe of an animal |thropple .`
machine for drawing, twisting and winding fibres |throstle .`
harmless incompetent holding public office |throttlebottom .`
loose thread or fringe of a garment or cloth |thrum .`
divination by means of one's own soul |thumomancy .`
censer |thurible .`
altar boy who bears censer |thurifer .`
incense-bearing |thuriferous .`
cow's hip-joint |thurl .`
cannibalistic |thyestean .`
use of perfumes for medicinal purposes |thymiatechny .`
ancient Greek censer |thymiaterion .`
due to emotion |thymogenic .`
psychologically energizing |thymoleptic .`
mental disorder |thymopathy .`
staff wreathed with ivy |thyrsus .`
three-tiered crown worn by or carried in front of the pope |tiara .`
to play on a pipe |tibicinate .`
woolly rhinoceros |tichorrhine .`
cover of a mattress or pillow |tick .`
strong linen or cotton fabric used for mattress and pillow cases |ticking .`
study of tides |tidology .`
transparent silk-like gauzy fabric |tiffany .`
swagger |tigerism .`
resembling or pertaining to tigers |tigrine .`
light open two-wheeled carriage |tilbury .`
handle or lever for turning a ship's rudder |tiller .`
pale yellowish-green |tilleul .`
agricultural work |tilth .`
instrument for measuring tilting of earth's surface |tiltmeter .`
government by the propertied class; timocracy |timarchy .`
kettle drum |timbal .`
top end of ship's timber used above the gunwale |timberhead .`
study of postage stamps |timbrology .`
craze for stamp collecting |timbromania .`
love or fondness for stamps; stamp-collecting |timbrophily .`
resonant; sonorous |timbrous .`
rope stretched from place to place in a ship |timenoguy .`
in good time; seasonable |timeous .`
government by the propertied class |timocracy .`
helmsman |timoneer .`
light carriage for one or two people, pulled by one or two horses |timwhisky .`
circle of men who encircle a deer |tinchel .`
act of dyeing |tinction .`
resembling or pertaining to dyeing; giving colour |tinctorial .`
change of colour |tinctumutation .`
a heraldic colour or metal |tincture .`
adding colour; having the ability to tinge |tingent .`
ringing; resonant |tinnient .`
ringing sound in the head |tinnitus .`
to ring; to tinkle |tintinnabulate .`
percussion instrument of many bells in succession |tintinnabulum .`
long black scarf worn by Anglican clergy |tippet .`
a person who suffers from tics |tiqueur .`
skirmisher; sharpshooter |tirailleur .`
pedal-coupler in an organ |tirasse .`
wool cloth mixed with cotton or linen |tiretaine .`
recruit; novice; beginner |tiro .`
early training; first experience; group of recruits |tirocinium .`
divination using cheese |tiromancy .`
infusion of herbs or flowers |tisane .`
wheezy; asthmatic |tisicky .`
bearing titanium |titaniferous .`
spirit of revolt or defiance against social conventions |titanism .`
war of the Titans against the gods |titanomachy .`
red-gold or reddish-brown |titian .`
dress up; spruce up |titivate .`
measuring by titration |titrimetry .`
to prance mincingly; to walk in an affected manner |tittup .`
to stagger; to stumble |titubate .`
inscription on or over something |titulus .`
segment or section |tmema .`
separation of word into parts by an intervening word |tmesis .`
stone thought to grow inside a toad and have magic powers |toadstone .`
a person who loves tobacco |tobaccophile .`
instrument for measuring uterine contractions during childbirth |tocodynamometer .`
obstetrics; midwifery |tocology .`
fear of pregnancy or childbirth |tocophobia .`
alarm bell; sounding of an alarm bell |tocsin .`
old unit of weight of wool equal to 28 pounds |tod .`
a small hill |toft .`
unit of measurement for insulation properties of fabric |tog .`
wearing a toga; dignified |togated .`
plain or simple twilled fabric |toile .`
lamb's wool |toison .`
doctrine of toleration of religious differences |tolerationism .`
duty of ale due to one's lord for the privilege of brewing |tolsester .`
act of pacing or ambling |tolutation .`
resembling or pertaining to armadillos |tolypeutine .`
myriad; ten thousand |toman .`
cheap gold-coloured alloy of zinc and copper |tombac .`
holding that the Egyptian pyramids were intended as tombs |tombic .`
lottery in which each entrant must win a prize |tombola .`
bearing thickly matted hair or fur |tomentose .`
of organic matter, multiplying by division |tomiparous .`
cutting edge of a bird's bill |tomium .`
instrument for viewing section of an object using X-rays |tomograph .`
scan to obtain detailed image of solid structure |tomography .`
irrational predilection for performing surgery |tomomania .`
unit of cooling power equal to 12,000 BTU per hour |ton .`
thundering |tonant .`
circular painting or relief carving |tondo .`
resembling or pertaining to tonal pronunciation or languages |tonetic .`
study of pronunciation |tonetics .`
light two-wheeled carriage |tonga .`
modish; fashionable |tonish .`
fear of thunder |tonitrophobia .`
musical instrument that imitates sound of thunder |tonitruone .`
thundering |tonitruous .`
set of overlapping strips on armour skirt |tonlet .`
rear extension of body of car |tonneau .`
instrument measuring pitch of musical tones |tonometer .`
resembling or pertaining to a barber or a barber's work |tonsorial .`
shaving of small area on the crown of head of a priest or monk |tonsure .`
annuity scheme where benefits increase as members die |tontine .`
normal elasticity of healthy muscle at rest |tonus .`
determining place by sense of touch |topaesthesia .`
ruler of a district |toparch .`
dark yellow |topaz .`
mast or sail above the topmast and below the royal mast |topgallant .`
gritty |tophaceous .`
clipping of trees into imitative or fantastic shapes |topiary .`
high and mighty; haughty |toplofty .`
ship's mast above the lower mast |topmast .`
study of places and their natural features |topology .`
divination using landforms |topomancy .`
resembling or pertaining to place names |toponomastic .`
place name derived from geographical feature |toponym .`
study of place-names |toponymics .`
great love or affection for a particular place |topophilia .`
stage fright; fear of performing; fear of certain places |topophobia .`
instrument to determine direction and distance of a fog-horn |topophone .`
specimen collected in the same locality as an original |topotype .`
ship's sail above the lowermost sail |topsail .`
arched gateway or garland of flowers |toran .`
floor lamp with bowl for reflecting light upwards |torchier .`
duster or dishcloth; coarse lace or paper |torchon .`
wine press |torcula .`
tourniquet |torcular .`
Renaissance dance similar to but slower than a galliard |tordion .`
surface described by rotation of conic section about a line |tore .`
description of ancient metal sculpture |toreumatography .`
study of artistic work in metal |toreutics .`
artistic work in metal by chasing and embossing |toreutics .`
growing in mosses or bogs |torfaceous .`
ancient siege engine |tormentum .`
having blunt extremities |tornote .`
shaped like a doughnut or anchor-ring |toroid .`
swelling; bulging; knobby; muscular |torose .`
numbing; having the quality of a torpedo |torpedinous .`
to make numb or torpid; to paralyze |torpefy .`
becoming numb or torpid |torpescence .`
numb; lethargic; having lost the power to act |torpid .`
electric shock therapy |torpillage .`
numbness; inactivity; dullness |torpor .`
causing dullness or numbness |torporific .`
wearing a collar or chain; formed like a torque |torquated .`
unit of pressure equal to 1/760 of standard atmospheric pressure |torr .`
to scorch or parch; to dry or roast with heat |torrefy .`
resembling or pertaining to a torrent; having the character of a torrent |torrentine .`
ornament on a hat like a twisted cord; any twisted cord |torsade .`
plate in a brick wall to support the end of a beam |torsel .`
capability of being twisted |torsibility .`
instrument for recording torsional vibrations on an object |torsiograph .`
twisted spirally |torsive .`
stiff neck |torticollis .`
wreathed; twisted; coiled |tortile .`
committing a wrongful deed |tortious .`
with small swellings at intervals |torulose .`
rounded swelling; lowest moulding of a column |torus .`
grimness; fierceness |torvity .`
stern |torvous .`
fuddled; perplexed |tosticated .`
bone or other object retrieved from garbage pile |tot .`
belief that a group has a special kinship with an object or animal |totemism .`
the other |tother .`
number of numbers less than and prime to a given number |totient .`
capable of differentiation |totipotent .`
number less than and prime to another |totitive .`
swirl; vortex; whirlwind |tourbillon .`
contour; characteristic turn of line; grace or poise |tournure .`
comrade |tovarish .`
bundle of untwisted natural fibres |tow .`
producing or produced by poisons |toxicogenic .`
morbid craving for poisons |toxicomania .`
eating poison |toxicophagous .`
fear of poisoning |toxicophobia .`
producing or bearing poison |toxiferous .`
poison-eating |toxiphagous .`
fear of poison or being poisoned |toxiphobia .`
lover of archery; an archer; resembling or pertaining to archery |toxophilite .`
love of archery; archery; study of archery |toxophily .`
to tease out; card; comb; draw out; elicit |toze .`
built of horizontal beams rather than arches |trabeate .`
small bar or rod |trabecula .`
transversely barred |trabeculated .`
turmoil |tracasserie .`
having a neck |trachelate .`
roughness of voice |trachyphonia .`
treatise; tract |tractate .`
ductile; able to be drawn out |tractile .`
traditional |traditive .`
to defame; to slander |traduce .`
transmitted |traductive .`
writer or actor of tragedy |tragedian .`
mythical crossbreed of a goat and stag |tragelaph .`
smelly armpits |tragomaschalia .`
prominent bump in front of opening of the ear |tragus .`
treachery; treason |trahison .`
crossing; ferry; transference |traject .`
metaphor |tralatition .`
traditional; transmitted; handed on; metaphorical |tralatitious .`
to deviate |tralineate .`
to wash tin-ore by agitation in a trough |tramble .`
device used to hold pots and pans over a fire |trammel .`
net used to catch fish or birds |trammel .`
to hamper or restrain |trammel .`
tool used for drawing ellipses |trammel .`
beyond the mountains; foreign; uncivilized |tramontane .`
act of swimming over or across |tranation .`
creating a trance-like effect; hypnotic |trancey .`
slice or block of money or shares |tranche .`
Neolithic flint chisel |tranchet .`
ferry |tranect .`
showy or worthless article |trangam .`
pervious to or allowing the passage of heat |transcalent .`
theory that emphasizes that which transcends perception |transcendentalism .`
screen enclosing a shrine |transenna .`
part of a church off to one side of main structure |transept .`
flowing across |transfluent .`
to transfer from one ship to another |tranship .`
passing from winter to summer pastures |transhumant .`
leaping or passing across |transilient .`
ship's customs warrant for clearing goods |transire .`
indicating process of change or movement through |translative .`
beyond the moon; spiritual |translunary .`
across or beyond the sea |transmarine .`
belief that soul passes into other body at death |transmigrationism .`
instrument for measuring transmission of light through a fluid |transmissometer .`
transverse timbers attached to ship's sternpost |transom .`
structure dividing a window horizontally; horizontal bar |transom .`
transparent; easily seen through or understood |transpicuous .`
from the other side of the river; melodramatic |transpontine .`
miraculous changing of bread and wine into body and blood of Christ |transubstantiation .`
to ooze out; to exude through the pores |transude .`
transcription; transference; translation |transumption .`
denoting heavy radioactive artificial chemical elements |transuranic .`
to pierce |transverberate .`
flying higher than normal |transvolation .`
light one-horse carriage with springs |trap .`
quadrilateral having only one pair of parallel sides |trapezium .`
kind of quilting in which only the design is padded |trapunto .`
stammering |traulism .`
study of wounds and their effects |traumatology .`
alteration in direction of growth of a plant due to a wound |traumatropism .`
electronic musical instrument like a theramin |trautonium .`
crossbeam or space between crossbeams |trave .`
moving footpath for pedestrians |travelator .`
dark; syrupy molasses |treacle .`
medieval siege engine for launching stones |trebuchet .`
instrument for determining distance travelled; odometer |trechometer .`
long wooden pin used to fix planks of ship to the timbers |treenail .`
three-lobed architectural ornament |trefoil .`
juggler; trickster; deceiver |tregetour .`
trellis-work; a trellis |treillage .`
structure of cross-barred or lattice-work |trellis .`
an orifice; a dieresis |trema .`
gelatinous |tremallose .`
feeling of overwhelming awe associated with religious experience |tremendum .`
late Roman and early Byzantine gold coin |tremissis .`
irregularity in a person's handwriting |tremogram .`
instrument for recording involuntary muscular motion |tremograph .`
a person who employs tremolo |tremolist .`
vibrating effect of certain musical instruments or the singing voice |tremolo .`
trembling; quivering |tremulous .`
incisive; terse; vigorous |trenchant .`
edible plate and platter made of bread |trencher .`
flat rounded baker's vessel |trendle .`
commemoratory service held thirty days after burial |trental .`
obsolete instrument for cutting open the skull |trepan .`
cutting open the skull |trepanation .`
great-great grandfather |tresayle .`
to quiver |tressilate .`
narrow band around a heraldic shield |tressure .`
close-fitting trousers with tartan pattern |trews .`
selection for patients most likely to survive |triage .`
doctrine that humans have three separate essences (body, soul, spirit) |trialism .`
government by three people |triarchy .`
rope joining adjacent mastheads |triatic .`
female homosexual; lesbian |tribade .`
lesbian intercourse in the missionary position |tribadism .`
horizontal frame with wires for drying paper |tribble .`
study of friction and wear between surfaces |tribology .`
emission of light caused by friction |triboluminescence .`
instrument measuring friction |tribometer .`
yielding prickly fruit |tribuloid .`
resembling or pertaining to a tribune |tribunitial .`
resembling or pertaining to tribute or payment |tributorian .`
to haul in and lash secure a sail with a small rope |trice .`
having three heads |tricephalous .`
brittleness of hair |trichoclasis .`
producing hair |trichogenous .`
having or exhibiting three colours |trichoic .`
hair-like |trichoid .`
study of hair and its disorders |trichology .`
splitting of hair |trichoschisis .`
arrangement, distribution or disorder of hair |trichosis .`
neurosis where patient pulls out own hair |trichotillomania .`
division into three parts or categories |trichotomy .`
combination of three-speed gear and coaster brake on a cycle |tricoaster .`
silk or rayon knitted fabric |tricolette .`
three-horned; three-cornered |tricorn .`
plain knitted silk or woollen fabric |tricot .`
lively old dance |tricotee .`
double-twilled worsted fabric |tricotine .`
threefold rule |tridominium .`
lasting three days |triduan .`
period of three days of prayer preceding Roman Catholic feasts |triduum .`
obligation of fitting out ships |trierarchy .`
occurring in alternate years |trieteric .`
facing three ways |trifarious .`
gallery or arcade over an aisle; gallery over nave and choir |triforium .`
to divide into three forks |trifurcate .`
stone placed under a wheel to keep it from rolling |trig .`
state of being married to three spouses |trigamy .`
architectural ornament of tablet bearing two V-shaped channels |triglyph .`
having three angles |trigonal .`
instrument for solving triangles |trigonometer .`
combination of three letters for one sound |trigraph .`
happening every three hours |trihoral .`
having three layers |trilaminar .`
quandary having three choices |trilemma .`
stone monument of two upright and one transverse slab |trilith .`
having three spots or marks |trimacular .`
having the parts in threes |trimerous .`
triplet |trin .`
three-pronged |trinacriform .`
thin piece of wood which holds book spine while trimmed |trindle .`
resembling or pertaining to sandpipers |tringoid .`
lasting three nights |trinoctial .`
name consisting of three words |trionym .`
taking place on land, in water and in air |triphibious .`
three vowel sounds pronounced as one |triphthong .`
triple vision |triplopia .`
part of machine which strikes another part regularly |trippet .`
pulverization; shampooing; massage |tripsis .`
used in three cases only |triptote .`
hinged painting with three panels |triptych .`
to dance for joy; to exult; to stamp |tripudiate .`
triangular-shaped object |triquetra .`
ancient ship with three banks of oars |trireme .`
fear of the number thirteen |triskaidekaphobia .`
figure of three radiating curves or legs |triskelion .`
lockjaw |trismus .`
three-spiked |tristachyous .`
having or in three rows |tristichous .`
mournful manner of speech |tristiloquy .`
mournful-sounding |tristisonous .`
having three ridges or forks |trisulcate .`
inability to distinguish the colour blue |tritanopia .`
government by three people; triarchy |tritarchy .`
four-greats grandmother |tritavia .`
four-greats grandfather |tritavus .`
belief that the members of the Trinity are separate gods |tritheism .`
government by three gods |tritheocracy .`
trite; common |tritical .`
wheat-like |triticeous .`
trite remark |triticism .`
to rub or grind into a fine powder |triturate .`
belief in the superiority of one particular religious creed |triumphalism .`
trinity; three in one |triune .`
tripod for a pot; metal plate to raise food from heat |trivet .`
having three linear marks |trivirgate .`
to bellow like a roaring buck |troat .`
wheel-like; circular |trochal .`
instrument counting wheel's revolutions |trocheameter .`
bearing a wheel or wheel-like organ |trochiferous .`
shaped like a spinning-top |trochiform .`
resembling or pertaining to rotatory motion |trochilic .`
resembling or pertaining to hummingbirds |trochilidine .`
resembling or pertaining to hummingbirds |trochiline .`
medicated tablet or lozenge |trochiscus .`
like a pulley |trochlear .`
curve traced by a fixed point in plane of a circle |trochoid .`
divination by studying wheel tracks |trochomancy .`
cave-dwelling |troglodytic .`
resembling or pertaining to wrens |troglodytine .`
carriage drawn by three horses |troika .`
sexual activity between three people |troilism .`
revolving sieve for cleaning or sizing minerals |trommel .`
instrument for measuring slight earthquake shocks |tromometer .`
collection of gratuities to be divided out later |tronc .`
mutual exchange of nutriment in symbiosis |trophallaxis .`
nutrition |trophism .`
exchange of nutriment in symbiotic relationship |trophobiosis .`
study of nutrition |trophology .`
direction of growth by nutritional factors |trophotropism .`
like a keel |tropic .`
a tendency to react to stimuli in a specific manner |tropism .`
characterized by tropes or figures of speech |tropological .`
figurative language; moral interpretation of the Bible |tropology .`
instrument measuring rotation |tropometer .`
flourishing in seasonal extremes of climate |tropophilous .`
plant adapted to alterations of moisture and drought |tropophyte .`
pavement |trottoir .`
clothes collected by a bride for her marriage |trousseau .`
a fortunate find |trouvaille .`
legal action brought to recover goods from wrongful owner |trover .`
faking of works of art |trucage .`
slaughter |trucidation .`
to submit; to cringe |truckle .`
belligerent; cruel; pugnacious; defiant; aggressive |truculent .`
act of plastering with a trowel |trullization .`
piece of wall or pillar between two openings |trumeau .`
broken spear; broken or cut piece |truncheon .`
a pin or pivot on which something can be rotated |trunnion .`
to weigh using a balance; to evaluate mentally |trutinate .`
resembling or pertaining to trout |truttaceous .`
nut-like fruit |tryma .`
killing of trypanosomes |trypanocide .`
ship's sail bent to a gaff and hoisted on a lower mast |trysail .`
study of gypsies |tsiganology .`
treatise on tea |tsiology .`
of writing, keen or trenchant |tuant .`
bearing tubers |tuberiferous .`
shaped like a lump or protuberance |tuberiform .`
having tubers; knobbed |tuberous .`
to blow a trumpet |tubicinate .`
inhabiting a tube |tubicolous .`
hollow-horned |tubicornous .`
constructing a tube |tubifacient .`
shaped like a tube |tubiform .`
to form into a tube; to provide with a tube |tubulate .`
tubular opening |tubulure .`
part of ship where ends of lower planks meet under the stern |tuck .`
flourish on a trumpet |tucket .`
rock made of fine volcanic detritus |tufa .`
toady |tufthunter .`
armour plate hanging below the tasses |tuille .`
theory that individuals have a second or other self |tuism .`
apostrophe; reference to or regard to a second person |tuism .`
giving instruction; acquired by instruction |tuitive .`
calf's skin set beside a cow to make her give milk freely |tulchan .`
obsession with tulips |tulipomania .`
sheer and delicate thin silk |tulle .`
old instrument of punishment like a pillory |tumbrel .`
causing swelling |tumefacient .`
to swell |tumefy .`
tending to swell |tumescent .`
inflated; falsely sublime; bombastic |tumid .`
producing tumours |tumorigenic .`
dog-cart |tum-tum .`
consisting of a mound or tumulus |tumular .`
chaotic; haphazard |tumultuary .`
barrow-mound; mound of earth over a grave |tumulus .`
to beat; to thump |tund .`
covered with layers |tunicate .`
short ecclesiastical vestment worn by bishop or subdeacon |tunicle .`
ram; pile-driver; striking face of steam hammer or jackhammer |tup .`
right to take peat from another's ground |turbary .`
instrument for measuring turbidity of liquids |turbidimeter .`
shaped like a top or inverted cone |turbinate .`
like a thrush |turdiform .`
resembling or pertaining to thrushes |turdine .`
resembling or pertaining to thrushes |turdine .`
swollen |turgent .`
act or process of swelling; swollenness |turgescence .`
swollen; inflated |turgid .`
instrument for measuring turgidity |turgometer .`
valve for regulating water flow |turncock .`
art of turning in a lathe |turnery .`
person who turns a roasting spit |turnspit .`
athletic club |turnverein .`
cheese lover |turophile .`
blue-green |turquoise .`
resembling or pertaining to a tower or turret; like a turret |turrical .`
bearing towers |turriferous .`
shaped like a tower |turriform .`
structure over ship's bows or stern |turtleback .`
brownish silk fabric |tussah .`
resembling or pertaining to coughs |tussicular .`
a compact tuft of grass or sedge |tussock .`
having the guardianship of a thing |tutelary .`
doctrine that one should take the safer moral course |tutiorism .`
conical Roman headdress |tutulus .`
two |twain .`
affectedly dainty; sentimentally sweet |twee .`
bifurcate |twiforked .`
to wriggle; to twist |twingle .`
to blink; to twinkle |twink .`
two-year-old domestic animal |twinter .`
to peep; to leer |twire .`
between |twixt .`
to swirl; to spin |twizzle .`
ballroom dance with two main steps |two-step .`
nozzle for a blast of air |twyer .`
theory that accepts role of pure chance |tychism .`
inclined trough for washing ore |tye .`
callus |tyloma .`
drum-like; shaped like a drum |tympaniform .`
space within an arch; arched recess at entrance of cathedral |tympanum .`
swelling with pride or with pregnancy |tympany .`
instrument to help the blind write clearly |typhlograph .`
study of blindness and the blind |typhlology .`
a person who is kind to the blind |typhlophile .`
causing fever |typhogenic .`
delirious state resulting from typhus fever |typhomania .`
having the character of a whirlwind or tornado |typhonic .`
matter pertaining to printing or printers |typographia .`
art of printing or using type |typography .`
study of types of things |typology .`
craze for printing one's lucubrations |typomania .`
master printers collectively |typothetae .`
theory concerning rappings by spirits or ghosts |typtology .`
killing or killer of a tyrant |tyrannicide .`
elephantiasis |tyriasis .`
resembling cheese; cheesy |tyroid .`
cheese-like matter |tyroma .`
divination using cheese |tyromancy .`
short-tailed, long-haired monkey |uakari .`
yielding an abundance of milk; abounding |uberous .`
fruitfulness; abundant productiveness |uberty .`
condition of being in a certain location |ubication .`
location; state of being in a definite place |ubiety .`
everywhere |ubique .`
belief that Christ is everywhere |ubiquitarianism .`
place or locality |ubity .`
neighbour whose house is on fire |ucalegon .`
form of land tenure in Orkney and Shetland islands |udal .`
instrument for measuring rainfall |udometer .`
study of alien spacecraft |ufology .`
morning twilight |ughten .`
edict; proclamation by an autocratic government |ukase .`
atrophy of the gums |ulatrophy .`
a small ulcer |ulcuscle .`
resembling or pertaining to the gums |uletic .`
slimy; oozy; swampy; growing in swampy places |uliginous .`
quantity by which vessel is under full capacity |ullage .`
cry of lamentation; funeral lament |ullagone .`
of or like elms |ulmaceous .`
like a scar |uloid .`
formation of a scar |ulosis .`
having woolly hair |ulotrichous .`
of last month |ultimo .`
inheritance by the last son |ultimogeniture .`
revenge; vengeance |ultion .`
to criticize beyond sphere of one's knowledge |ultracrepidate .`
of physiological cycles longer than an hour and shorter than a day |ultradian .`
going beyond faith |ultrafidian .`
violently extreme |ultrageous .`
holding extreme opinions on a subject |ultraism .`
deep blue |ultramarine .`
instrument for viewing extremely small objects |ultramicroscope .`
south of the Alps; supporting the Pope |ultramontane .`
spontaneous; voluntary |ultroneous .`
mass of flowers springing from a single center |umbel .`
bearing umbels |umbelliferous .`
brownish red |umber .`
resembling or pertaining to the navel; related on the mother's side |umbilical .`
shaped like a navel |umbiliciform .`
central knob or boss of a shield |umbo .`
shaped like an umbrella |umbraculiform .`
umbrella or umbrella-like structure |umbraculum .`
shade; foliage; offence |umbrage .`
shadowy; providing shade |umbratic .`
shadowy; shaded; indoor; secluded |umbratilous .`
giving or bearing shade |umbriferous .`
visor on helmet to protect the eyes from light |umbril .`
shade-giving; dusky |umbrose .`
priest holding one benefice |unalist .`
without extreme unction |unaneled .`
being equally stupid |unasinous .`
exclamation to avert ill luck following boasting |unberufen .`
to pour out; to tell freely |unbosom .`
hooked |uncate .`
resembling or pertaining to an inch or an ounce |uncial .`
shaped like a hook |unciform .`
not in agreement |unconsentaneous .`
anointing as right of consecration or healing; warmth of address |unction .`
slimy; oily; greasy; offensively suave and smug |unctuous .`
wavy |undate .`
happening every eleven years |undecennial .`
to deprive of the nature of a god |undeify .`
subdued voice; rumour |underbreath .`
bridge carrying a road or railway |underbridge .`
crypt or vault under a church |undercroft .`
light midday meal |undern .`
inferior wit; half-wit |underwit .`
to take off; to doff; to undo |undight .`
female water spirit |undine .`
psychological obsession with urine and urination |undinism .`
theory that light consists of waves |undulationism .`
difficult; distressing; hard; scarce |uneath .`
of a claw, hoof, or talon; clawed |ungual .`
resembling or pertaining to unguents; a person who makes or sells unguents |unguentary .`
clawed |unguiculate .`
shaped like a claw |unguiform .`
oily; fatty |unguinous .`
walking on hoofs |unguligrade .`
not having received the Eucharist shortly before death |unhouseled .`
uniqueness; oneness |unicity .`
arranged in a single row or series |unifarious .`
having only one thread or wire |unifilar .`
state or fact of being the only begotten |unigeniture .`
of the same origin, kind or sort |unigenous .`
woman having given birth only once |unipara .`
producing only one offspring at birth |uniparous .`
powerful in one direction only |unipotent .`
in unison or agreement |unisonous .`
conjunction |unition .`
belief in universal salvation |universalism .`
unmistakeable; unequivocal |univocal .`
having only one vowel; written passage using only one vowel |univocalic .`
having one brood a year |univoltine .`
living on only one host or source of food |univorous .`
unfaithful |unleal .`
to withdraw a rope from an opening |unreeve .`
to unsew the eyes of |unseel .`
to take the strength from |unsinew .`
not manured |unstercorated .`
untimely |untimeous .`
to despoil |untreasure .`
liberal; lavish |unwithdrawing .`
roofless; open to the sky |upaithric .`
poisonous or harmful institution or influence |upas .`
development; edification |upbuilding .`
upward throw; material thrown up |upcast .`
rough pole made of fir and used in scaffolding |upher .`
rising; uprising |uprist .`
to begin to speak |upspeak .`
to sustain |upstay .`
of the palate |uranic .`
bearing uranium |uraniferous .`
roof of the mouth |uraniscus .`
male homosexuality |uranism .`
descriptive astronomy and mapping |uranography .`
study of the heavens; astronomy |uranology .`
divination by studying the heavens |uranomancy .`
obsession with the idea of divinity |uranomania .`
measurement of distances between heavenly bodies |uranometry .`
fear of heaven |uranophobia .`
plastic surgery on the hard palate |uranoplasty .`
star-watching |uranoscopy .`
starfish |uraster .`
excessive pride in one's city |urbacity .`
expert in urban planning |urbanist .`
study of cities |urbanology .`
founded on a register of landed property |urbarial .`
destruction of a city |urbicide .`
dwelling in cities |urbicolous .`
cultivation or development of urban life |urbiculture .`
shaped like a pitcher |urceiform .`
shaped like a pitcher |urceolate .`
single-handled jug or pitcher |urceus .`
pointed; having points |urdé .`
of a heraldic device, pointed or broken into parallel pointed projections |urdee .`
use; custom |ure .`
burning feeling in the skin |uredo .`
study of rust molds |urenology .`
burning; stinging |urent .`
urination |uresis .`
instrument for viewing the interior of the urethra |urethroscope .`
resembling or pertaining to urine |uretic .`
divination by observing urine |urimancy .`
diver |urinator .`
bearing urine |uriniferous .`
instrument for measuring specific gravity of urine |urinometer .`
taxonomic group of organisms larger than a kingdom |urkingdom .`
swampy pine forest |urman .`
producing or produced in urine |urogenous .`
small stone in the urinary tract |urolith .`
study of urine; urinary tract |urology .`
secreting or excreting urine |uropoietic .`
rump of a bird |uropygium .`
having a tail designed for propulsion |urosthenic .`
fur seal |ursal .`
killing or killer of a bear |ursicide .`
having the shape or appearance of a bear |ursiform .`
resembling or pertaining to bears |ursine .`
earliest version of a text; original unmodified version |urtext .`
resembling or pertaining to nettles |urticaceous .`
stinging; irritating |urticant .`
to sting; to flog with nettles |urticate .`
self-appointed and conservative language usage expert |usageaster .`
habit; custom |usance .`
figurine of deceased person placed in Egyptian tomb |ushabti .`
signifying a usual act |usitative .`
action of burning or searing |ustion .`
burning; roasting |ustulation .`
acquisition of property by long usage and enjoyment |usucaption .`
the right to use and enjoy something |usufruct .`
toward us |usward .`
profitable; useful |utile .`
belief that utility of actions determines moral value |utilitarianism .`
earnest wish or desire |utinam .`
person speaking two or both of two languages |utraquist .`
a person who stabs an inflated skin vessel instead of killing someone |utricide .`
small cavity or sac |utricle .`
shaped like a small cavity or sac |utriculiform .`
shaped like a leather bottle or flask |utriform .`
irregular depression in a karst terrain |uvala .`
resembling a small cluster of grapes |uvelloid .`
moist; wet |uvid .`
resembling or pertaining to a wife |uxorial .`
killing of one's own wife |uxoricide .`
excessively fond of one's wife |uxorious .`
dairy or cow pasture |vaccary .`
cow milking |vaccimulgence .`
resembling or pertaining to cows; preparation conferring immunity to disease |vaccine .`
fluctuate in opinion or resolution |vacillate .`
servant; serving-man |vadelect .`
ready reference manual regularly carried about |vade-mecum .`
bond or pledge given before a judge |vadimony .`
resembling or pertaining to underground water above the water table |vadose .`
cunning; sly |vafrous .`
crying like a baby |vagient .`
having the ability to move about |vagile .`
ability to succeed in the struggle for existence |vagility .`
sheathed; having a sheath |vaginate .`
baby's cry or wail |vagitus .`
idle boastfulness |vainglory .`
blue-grey squirrel fur; heraldic representation of blue and white rows |vair .`
drapery hung along the edge of a bed, table or canopy |valance .`
linen helmet-cover for armour |valence .`
warm Russian felt boots |valenki .`
resembling or pertaining to ill-health; anxious about health |valetudinarian .`
club-footed; bow-legged |valgus .`
having a raised rim or rampart |vallate .`
ridge or bank of earth used as fortification |vallation .`
groove or furrow |vallecula .`
rampart; wall of earth thrown up from a ditch |vallum .`
to set a fixed arbitrary price |valorise .`
comparative value of a currency |valuta .`
stringed lute-like Spanish instrument |vandola .`
vain or foolish talk |vaniloquence .`
instrument for measuring vapour pressure |vaporimeter .`
to flog; to be flogged |vapulate .`
resembling or pertaining to flogging |vapulatory .`
unit of linear measure of between 33 and 43 inches |vara .`
seaweed; kelp |varec .`
miscellany |varia .`
chicken pox |varicella .`
diverse and varied; having multi-coloured patches |variegated .`
resembling or pertaining to a variety |varietal .`
unorthodox person |varietist .`
of various forms |variform .`
smallpox |variola .`
instrument for measuring magnetic declination |variometer .`
including the notes of earlier scholars or editors |variorum .`
polka-like Polish dance |varsovienne .`
pigeon-toed |varus .`
resembling or pertaining to fluid-carrying vessels |vascular .`
arrangement of blood vessels |vasculature .`
shaped like a small vase or flowerpot |vasculiform .`
botanist's collecting case |vasculum .`
bearing a vessel or vas |vasiferous .`
shaped like a duct or vase |vasiform .`
to make immune |vastate .`
vastness; a vast extent |vastidity .`
prophetic; oracular; inspired |vatic .`
killing or killer of a prophet |vaticide .`
prophesy; predict |vaticinate .`
of a spring in which water is expelled by artesian pressure |vauclusian .`
feudal noble who is both a liege and a vassal |vavasour .`
resembling or pertaining to the paying of tribute or rent |vectigal .`
act of carrying or conveying |vectitation .`
mounted sentry stationed to watch for enemy |vedette .`
panoramic view of a town |veduta .`
vigorous |vegete .`
eating vegetables |vegetivorous .`
shaded night-lamp |veilleuse .`
resembling or pertaining to or like a membrane or sail |velamentous .`
awning over an auditorium |velarium .`
having a veil; veiled |velate .`
act of veiling; secrecy |velation .`
bearing a sail or membrane |veliferous .`
skirmish |velitation .`
flying with sails |velivolant .`
lowest degree of volition; slight wish |velleity .`
to twitch; to tickle or pinch |vellicate .`
hand-propelled tricycle |velociman .`
instrument for measuring velocity |velocimeter .`
with great speed |velocious .`
swift-footed; swift-footed person; old-fashioned bicycle |velocipede .`
instrument for measuring speed of air |velometer .`
piled velvety cotton |velour .`
velvety corded wool |veloutine .`
velvety; having a downy covering |velutinous .`
cotton with silk pile |velvetine .`
of a type that may be bribed |venal .`
resembling or pertaining to hunting |venatic .`
arrangement of veins on a leaf or an insect's wing |venation .`
huntsman; hunter |venator .`
grape harvest |vendange .`
capable of being sold |vendible .`
to claim for oneself |vendicate .`
offering for sale |venditation .`
sale |vendition .`
acting by poison or potions or by sorcery |venefic .`
poisoning |venenation .`
instrument used to sample sherry from a cask |venencia .`
carrying poison |veneniferous .`
puncturing of a vein |venepuncture .`
study of venereal disease |venereology .`
gamekeeper; hunter |venerer .`
lustful |venerous .`
pursuit of sexual gratification; hunting; pursuit of game |venery .`
to open a vein for blood-letting |venesect .`
pardonable; excusable |venial .`
containing veins of metal or quartz |venigenous .`
juror |venireman .`
injecting radioactive material into veins for medical examination |venography .`
veiny; veined |venose .`
resembling or pertaining to veins |venous .`
finger-hole; small hole |ventage .`
window |ventana .`
ventilating pipe or passage |ventiduct .`
stone polished by wind-blown sand |ventifact .`
characterized by venturesomeness |ventorious .`
windy; flatulent; puffed up with conceit |ventose .`
resembling or pertaining to the underside or the belly |ventral .`
lying on one's front or one's belly |ventricumbent .`
to turn towards the belly |ventriduct .`
with great capacity or appetite for food |ventripotent .`
small vein |venule .`
truthful; exact |veracious .`
undue attention to words alone |verbalism .`
word for word |verbatim .`
to beat |verberate .`
destroying the meaning of a word |verbicide .`
non-finite part of a verb |verbid .`
morbid and purposeless repetition of certain words |verbigeration .`
a person whose mental processes are stimulated by words |verbile .`
craze for words |verbomania .`
officer in charge of royal forests |verderer .`
greenish copper coating |verdigris .`
greenness; health and vigour |verdure .`
modest; shy |verecund .`
church usher and attendant |verger .`
shaped like a rod |vergiform .`
film of ice on rock |verglas .`
veracious; genuine; truthful |veridical .`
truthful |veridicous .`
truly; certainly; confidently |verily .`
artistic preference of the everyday to the legendary |verism .`
sour juice of unripe fruit |verjuice .`
bright red; scarlet; vermilion |vermeil .`
study of worms |vermeology .`
like a worm |vermian .`
killing of worms |vermicide .`
resembling or pertaining to worms |vermicular .`
wormy |vermiculous .`
shaped like a worm |vermiform .`
expelling worms |vermifugal .`
bearing, containing or infested with worms |vermigerous .`
creeping like a worm |vermigrade .`
bright red |vermilion .`
eating worms |vermivorous .`
resembling or pertaining to spring |vernal .`
to make springlike; to freshen |vernalize .`
cloth with image of Christ's face impressed upon it |vernicle .`
brightly polished or varnished |vernicose .`
varnishing-day |vernissage .`
varnishing |vernition .`
tuft of hairs or bristles |verricule .`
wart |verruca .`
shaped like a wart; wartlike |verruciform .`
warty |verrucose .`
aptness to be turned around |versability .`
ornamental letter at beginning of section |versal .`
general slope of a mountain |versant .`
short verse in church service normally followed by response |versicle .`
diversely or changeably coloured |versicoloured .`
of or in verse |versicular .`
changing in form |versiform .`
unit of distance equal to approximately 2/3 of a mile |verst .`
against; in contrast to |versus .`
crafty; wily |versute .`
the heraldic colour green |vert .`
whorl |verticil .`
whorled |verticillated .`
power of turning |verticity .`
resembling or pertaining to vertigo; dizzy; giddy |vertiginous .`
ring for a hawk's jess |vervel .`
decorated connector between helmet and mail of suit of armour |vervelle .`
resembling or pertaining to the bladder |vesical .`
blistering |vesicant .`
to blister |vesicate .`
substance or person who kills wasps |vespacide .`
resembling or pertaining to wasps |vespal .`
prayer service held in early evening |vespers .`
resembling or pertaining to the evening |vespertinal .`
wasp's nest |vespiary .`
resembling or pertaining to hornets or wasps |vespine .`
wasp-like |vespoid .`
wax-stemmed match |vesta .`
robing-room; cloakroom; resembling or pertaining to clothes |vestiary .`
entrance-hall |vestibule .`
clothes; covering; coat |vestiture .`
priest's dressing room |vestry .`
keeper of vestments |vesturer .`
smoker's slow-burning match |vesuvian .`
to erupt; to burst with heat |vesuviate .`
forbidden things |vetanda .`
having the power to veto |vetitive .`
carriage, cab or car |vettura .`
standard-bearer; pertaining to regimental colours or flags |vexillary .`
study of flags |vexillology .`
traveling frequently |viaggiatory .`
instrument for measuring revolutions of a wheel |viameter .`
construction of roads and bridges |viatecture .`
resembling or pertaining to roads or travel |viatical .`
money or provisions for journey; Eucharist for a dying person |viaticum .`
traveller; wayfarer |viator .`
modern percussion instrument with rod and ball |vibraslap .`
capable of vibratory motion |vibratile .`
tactile bristle such as cat's whisker; bristly hair |vibrissa .`
instrument for recording vibrations |vibrograph .`
instrument for measuring vibrations |vibrometer .`
of or caused by electronic vibration |vibronic .`
resembling or pertaining to a vicar or delegate |vicarial .`
in place of; rather than |vice .`
acting in place of another; having delegated authority |vicegerent .`
hostile appellation applied to the Pope |vicegod .`
based on the number twenty |vicenary .`
occurring every twenty years |vicennial .`
wife of a viceroy |vicereine .`
neighbourhood; residents in a neighbourhood |vicinage .`
neighboring; local |vicinal .`
study of victims |victimology .`
light open two-seated four-wheeled carriage |victoria .`
a person who operates a pub or eatery |victualler .`
fabric made from wool of the vicuna, a small ruminant |vicuna .`
to wit; namely |videlicet .`
thing to be seen |videndum .`
it seems |videtur .`
attested copy; inspection of accounts |vidimus .`
widowhood; widows collectively |viduage .`
widowhood |viduity .`
widowed; empty |viduous .`
based on the number twenty |vigesimal .`
danger warning on a chart |vigia .`
vine-grower |vigneron .`
percentage of gambler's winnings taken by bookkeeper |vigorish .`
team sport combining cricket and baseball |vigoro .`
to despise; to make light of; to disparage mockingly |vilipend .`
poem consisting of five tercets and a quatrain |villanelle .`
resembling or pertaining to a manor or village |villar .`
rural; resembling or pertaining to a villa |villatic .`
a stay in the country |villeggiatura .`
of the form or shape of velvet |villiform .`
velvety |villose .`
soft velvety hair or fur |villus .`
long thin branch or twig |vimen .`
with long flexible shoots |vimineous .`
wine-coloured |vinaceous .`
of or due to wine |vinal .`
that may be overcome |vincible .`
connective |vincular .`
resembling or pertaining to the vintage |vindemial .`
to gather grapes or other fruit |vindemiate .`
resembling or pertaining to vines |vineatic .`
to make or become mouldy |vinew .`
mouldy; musty |vinewed .`
process of fermenting wine |vinification .`
addicted to wine |vinolent .`
scientific study of vines and winemaking |vinology .`
deep red; burgundy |vinous .`
like wine; pertaining to wine; wine-coloured |vinous .`
violet-coloured |violaceous .`
flying about |violatic .`
shaped like a snake or viper |viperiform .`
resembling or pertaining to vipers |viperine .`
resembling , or pertaining to vipers; treacherous; venomous |viperous .`
suggestive of a loud overbearing woman |viraginous .`
manlike or heroic woman |virago .`
sea breeze |virason .`
old French poem with refrain and unusual rhyming scheme |virelay .`
becoming green or greenish; of a greenish colour |virescent .`
composed of twigs |virgal .`
old unit of land area usually equal to 30 acres or 1/4 hide |virgate .`
rodlike; twiggy |virgate .`
slanting line; solidus; "/" |virgule .`
killing of viruses; killing of men or of husbands |viricide .`
green |virid .`
Roman garden |viridarium .`
chrome green |viridian .`
producing greenness |viridigenous .`
greenness; freshness |viridity .`
development of male character in the female |virilescence .`
male reproductive organs |virilia .`
fit for a husband; marriageable |viripotent .`
study of viruses |virology .`
poisonous; foul |virose .`
killing of viruses |virucide .`
bearing or containing a virus |viruliferous .`
force; power |vis .`
expert in facial make-up |visagist .`
mask or visor |visard .`
light carriage with seats facing one another |vis-a-vis .`
of the organs of the body |visceral .`
semi-fluid; sticky; glutinous; viscous |viscid .`
instrument for measuring viscosity |viscometer .`
things that are seen |visibilia .`
resembling or pertaining to sight; learning easily by sight |visile .`
suitable for transmission by television |visiogenic .`
official visitor or inspector |visitador .`
resembling or pertaining to sight; visual; able to see or be seen |visive .`
instrument for measuring focal length of the eye |visometer .`
the doctrine that there is a vital force behind life |vitalism .`
concerned with the preservation of life |vitative .`
bright yellow |vitellary .`
producing yolk |vitelligenous .`
yolk of an egg |vitellus .`
impair quality of; make invalid; spoil; make impure |vitiate .`
plantation of vines; vineyard |viticetum .`
living on vines |viticolous .`
vine-growing |viticulture .`
bearing vines |vitiferous .`
vexatious wrangling |vitilitigation .`
thin curtain for windows or glazed doors |vitrage .`
stained glass |vitrail .`
tending to become glass |vitrescent .`
able to be turned into glass |vitrescible .`
glassy materials; glassware; study of glassware |vitrics .`
process of converting into glass |vitrifaction .`
glassblowing |vitrifacture .`
of the form or shape of glass |vitriform .`
glass display case |vitrine .`
caustic or hostile |vitriolic .`
band or stripe of colour on an animal or plant |vitta .`
striped lengthwise |vittate .`
resembling or pertaining to a calf or to calving |vitular .`
resembling or pertaining to calves or veal |vituline .`
abuse; rejection |vituperation .`
female camp follower who supplies provisions |vivandière .`
artificial enclosure for keeping live animals |vivarium .`
long live |vivat .`
vitality |vivency .`
resembling or pertaining to civets and mongoose |viverrine .`
resembling or pertaining to the civet |viverrine .`
food; eatables |vivers .`
producing live young |viviparous .`
practice of burying people alive |vivisepulture .`
mask |vizard .`
resembling or pertaining to vocabulary |vocabularian .`
indicating calling or personal address |vocative .`
resembling or pertaining to voice training |vocicultural .`
clamorous |vociferant .`
to cry out with a loud voice; to bawl |vociferate .`
vowel-like |vocoid .`
correspondence by means of recorded oral messages |voicespondence .`
of a heraldic charge, having the inner part cut away |voided .`
soft fine sheer fabric |voile .`
driver of a carriage or coach |voiturier .`
leader of an army; provincial governor |voivode .`
nimble-witted |volable .`
apt or fit to fly |volacious .`
giddy; flighty; fickle |volage .`
flying; able to fly; of a heraldic bird, with wings extended |volant .`
resembling or pertaining to the palm or the sole; resembling or pertaining to flight |volar .`
aviary |volary .`
ability to fly |volation .`
study of volcanoes |volcanology .`
consenting to a course of action which requires risk |volens .`
place for aircraft repair |volery .`
short veil worn at the back of the head |volet .`
flying; flitting; fluttering; moving about |volitant .`
flying; flight |volitation .`
willing |volitient .`
resembling or pertaining to the will |volitive .`
expressing desire or permission |volitive .`
able to fly |volitorial .`
to glide through the air |volplane .`
old leaping dance |volta .`
instrument for measuring electrical current indirectly |voltameter .`
lightly armed skirmisher |voltigeur .`
breeding rhythm; brood frequency |voltinism .`
instrument for measuring electrical potential |voltmeter .`
fluent in speech; too fluent or glib |voluble .`
resembling or pertaining to birds; bird-like |volucrine .`
instrument for measuring volume of a solid |volumenometer .`
instrument for measuring volume of a liquid or gas |volumeter .`
resembling or pertaining to volume or cubic capacity |voluminal .`
belief that the will dominates the intellect |voluntarism .`
sensualist; person fond of luxury |voluptuary .`
sexual pleasure |volupty .`
action of rolling; turning; wallowing |volutation .`
in spiral form |voluted .`
revolving movement; convolution; whorl |volution .`
instrument like an astrolabe used by doctors for astrology |volvelle .`
violent retching |vomiturition .`
resembling or pertaining to a whirlpool; voracious |voraginous .`
gulf; chasm; abyss |vorago .`
devouring |vorant .`
keen; deadly |vorpal .`
resembling or pertaining to a vortex; whirling |vortical .`
painter who expresses complexity of machinery through art |vorticist .`
amount of vortical motion in a fluid |vorticity .`
device using mirrors to produce abstract photographs |vortoscope .`
action of voting |votation .`
given by vow; consisting of a vow or wish |votive .`
wedge-like stone forming part of an arch |voussoir .`
verisimilitude |vraisemblance .`
small cavity in a rock |vug .`
study of volcanoes |vulcanology .`
commonly; popularly |vulgo .`
the common people; schoolboy Latin composition |vulgus .`
healing wounds |vulnerary .`
to wound |vulnerate .`
wounded |vulnerose .`
resembling or pertaining to a young fox |vulpecular .`
killing of a fox |vulpicide .`
resembling or pertaining to foxes; cunning |vulpine .`
forceps with toothed blades |vulsella .`
rapacious; resembling or pertaining to a vulture |vulturine .`
resembling or pertaining to or resembling the vulva |vulvar .`
shaped like an oval or a vulva |vulviform .`
old name for decomposed basalt |wack .`
thick coarse wool |wadmal .`
transportation through water or air |waftage .`
act of waving or wafting |wafture .`
carriage with one crosswise seat in front, two seats in back |wagonette .`
an obsequious person; a harlot |wagtail .`
team and implements needed for cultivation of land |wainage .`
to line with boards or panels; fine oak panelling |wainscot .`
timber of six feet in length and one foot in width |wair .`
musicians employed to play on ceremonial occasions |waits .`
wakeful; indisposed to sleep |wakerife .`
organ flute stop of 4 feet in length |waldflute .`
old German title of nobility |waldgrave .`
French valveless hunting horn |waldhorn .`
to choose; the act of choosing |wale .`
a person who carries a wallet |walleteer .`
snail |wallfish .`
yellowish-red |wallflower .`
feeble or worthless person or animal |wallydrag .`
to spout; to boil up |walm .`
inclined to tip over or lean |walty .`
churning of the stomach; wobbling or rolling motion |wamble .`
the womb or belly; a protuberant hollow part |wame .`
cardigan or jacket buttoned at neck and wrists |wamus .`
unlucky; uncanny |wanchancy .`
the cheek; a molar |wang .`
despair |wanhope .`
pay office in a lumber camp |wanigan .`
ill luck; misfortune |wanion .`
unstable or unsteady |wankle .`
deficiency; shortage |wantage .`
to decrease; to waste away |wanze .`
periodic gathering to evaluate readiness of men for combat |wapenshaw .`
archaic sub-division of certain counties |wapentake .`
charitable donation for Islamic religious purposes |waqf .`
small tumour suffered by horses under the saddle area |warble .`
payment of corn in place of military service |wardcorn .`
kind of pear used in cooking |warden .`
meeting of a ward or a court of a ward |wardmote .`
quarters for ship's officers |wardroom .`
wealth; reward; punishment |warison .`
the act of guaranteeing or warranting; an assurance |warrantise .`
to make war on |warray .`
heart-shaped hoe |warren .`
keeper of a warren of rabbits |warrener .`
small bundle of hay or straw for resting one's head |wase .`
ball of toilet soap |washball .`
broad thin plank along ship's gunwale to keep out sea water |washboard .`
location where industrial washing takes place |washery .`
laundromat or launderette |washeteria .`
thin Japanese paper used to make kites and lanterns |washi .`
area periodically flooded by river |washland .`
an outdated policy, doctrine or theory |wasm .`
toast to someone's health; to go caroling or carousing; spiced ale |wassail .`
man-shaped sea monster |wasserman .`
sweet flaky bread made with fine flour and butter |wastel .`
unused lot of land in a built-up area |wastelot .`
wooden sword used for practicing fencing |waster .`
liable to waste |wastive .`
pale blue |watchet .`
small dish used for holding small amounts of a solution |watchglass .`
fully afloat |watching .`
fee paid for travelling on water |waterage .`
resembling or filled with water; insipid or diluted |waterish .`
boatman or ferryman |waterman .`
piece of fabric painted to resemble a tapestry |waterwork .`
instrument for measuring electrical power |wattmeter .`
to full cloth |waulk .`
cloth fuller |waulker .`
instrument for measuring wavelengths |wavemeter .`
goods floating on the sea after a shipwreck |waveson .`
oilcloth; linoleum |waxcloth .`
thin geological seam separating larger strata |wayboard .`
exhausted from long travels |waygone .`
lamentation; grief |wayment .`
instrument for measuring distance travelled |waywiser .`
annual employees' dinner or outing |wayzgoose .`
to turn a ship's stern to windward to alter its course |wear .`
tasteless; savourless |wearish .`
the gullet or windpipe |weasand .`
weather side of a ship |weatherboard .`
able to sail close to the wind with little leeway |weatherly .`
instrument for measuring weather-resisting properties of paint |weatherometer .`
live broadcast transmitted on the World Wide Web |webcast .`
unit of magnetic flux equal to 100 million maxwells |weber .`
a female weaver |webster .`
wheel in which spokes, rim and centre made from one piece of material |webwheel .`
skiing in a swiveling motion with skis close together |wedeln .`
garment or outfit worn during mourning |weed .`
something that kills weeds |weedicide .`
dressed in widow's mourning clothes |weedy .`
texture |weftage .`
excessive use of the pronoun 'we' in speech or writing |wegotism .`
fee paid for weighing goods |weighage .`
bordering upon the supernatural |weirdward .`
yellow dye; plant from which it is extracted |weld .`
to twist about |welk .`
the vault of the sky; firmament; heaven |welkin .`
expression of sorrow or lamentation; alas |wellaway .`
to be in a state of turmoil or chaos |welter .`
enormously congested city |wen .`
fine paid by family of murderer to family of murder victim |wergild .`
without value judgement; neutral |wertfrei .`
space or distance westward |westing .`
castrated ram |wether .`
old measure for dry goods usually equal to 40 bushels |wey .`
a leather thong; a thick slice |whang .`
an imaginary animal |whangam .`
keeper or owner of a wharf |wharfinger .`
things with which one is occupied |whatabouts .`
a Cornish mine |wheal .`
the golden colour of ripe wheat |wheaten .`
shelter where ship's steering wheel kept |wheelhouse .`
sound made by a steel weapon when drawn from a sheath |wheep .`
to whistle feebly |wheeple .`
knobby; rounded |whelky .`
to cover with an upside down vessel |whelve .`
to overturn; to throw into a state of disorder |whemmle .`
when |whenas .`
from whatsoever place or source |whencesoever .`
against which |whereagainst .`
in whatsoever respect or place |whereinsoever .`
into which; into what |whereinto .`
of what |whereof .`
on what |whereon .`
out of which |whereout .`
through which; through the agency of |wherethrough .`
to what |whereuntil .`
with what |wherewith .`
a blow on the ear or side of the head |wherret .`
light shallow boat; barge |wherry .`
off-white |whey .`
every one that |whichsoever .`
to neigh; to bleat |whicker .`
to fish with hand line towed behind a boat |whiff .`
paltry person; little dog |whiffet .`
official who clears way for a procession |whiffler .`
levity; trifling |whifflery .`
a slight puff or blast |whift .`
government by Whigs |whiggarchy .`
formerly; once; former |whilom .`
gorse; furze |whin .`
dirk or short sword |whinger .`
hard and compact rock |whinstone .`
short sword |whinyard .`
tailor |whipcat .`
fabric with bold twill used for making dresses |whipcord .`
whining beggar who pretends to be a sailor |whipjack .`
a small tank |whippet .`
crosspiece of a carriage to which harnesses attached |whippletree .`
pliant; supple |whippy .`
narrow saw for cutting timber lengthwise |whipsaw .`
vertical lever controlling ship's rudder |whipstaff .`
airplane stall causing nose to whip forward and down |whipstall .`
to give a sharp blow to |whirret .`
a whiskered person |whiskerando .`
beard-growing contest |whiskerine .`
to hiss or whistle |whiss .`
mythical bird whose whistle is fatal to the listener |whistler .`
white-furred seal pup |whitecoat .`
to what place |whither .`
to any place whatsoever |whithersoever .`
toward what or which place |whitherward .`
leather dressed with alum |whitleather .`
abscess around a fingernail |whitlow .`
bleacher of cloth and clothing |whitster .`
a person who makes saddles or harnesses |whittawer .`
a woollen shawl or blanket |whittle .`
genre of writing poor mystery novels |whodunitry .`
weaving stitch that fills in a pattern |wholestitch .`
bastard; whore's son; term of contempt |whoreson .`
every a person who |whosoever .`
small door forming part of larger door of a church or castle |wicket .`
counterclockwise |widdershins .`
freshwater duck |widgeon .`
any small manufactured object |widget .`
unmanageable |wieldless .`
stiff plain-woven cotton |wigan .`
a supernatural man-like being |wight .`
nimble; strong; courageous |wight .`
to cause to stray |wilder .`
that which grows without cultivation |wilding .`
sudden squall, tumult or disturbance |williwaw .`
of the colour of willow leaves |willowish .`
instrument for boring holes; gimlet; auger |wimble .`
cloth covering for head and neck worn by nuns |wimple .`
plain or twilled cotton |wincey .`
hindered from sailing by contrary winds |windbound .`
windproof jacket |windcheater .`
puffy swelling around a horse's joints |windgall .`
winch used to raise a ship's anchor |windlass .`
circuitous movement; indirect action |windlass .`
appliance for winding yarn |windle .`
anything light or insubstantial; feeble person |windlestraw .`
diagram showing yearly wind strengths for a locality |windrose .`
hay raked together into a line |windrow .`
the blowing over of trees by the wind |windthrow .`
a small wing |winglet .`
a person who extracts or forces something out little by little |winkler .`
intermittent spring of water |winterbourne .`
short winter term at a private school designed for personal study |winterim .`
to kill by exposure to cold |winterkill .`
small ventilating shaft between two levels of a mine |winze .`
part of piano hammer raised when note played |wippen .`
to whirl; to turn round and round |wirble .`
to reduce fluid pressure by passing it through a small orifice |wiredraw .`
very fine quality of writing paper |wirewove .`
to know, to believe |wis .`
somea person who unduly assumes air of superior wisdom |wiseacre .`
a person who pretends to be wise |wiseling .`
European bison |wisent .`
a basket |wisket .`
to know |wist .`
longingly; earnestly |wistly .`
knot in hair supposedly tied by witches |witchknot .`
without fault; blameless |witeless .`
early English national council |witenagemot .`
besides; therewith; nevertheless; with |withal .`
elastic tool handle to save the hand from shock of blows |withe .`
partition between chimney flues |withe .`
withered or decrepit person; an adversary |witherling .`
flexible; wiry and agile; willow |withy .`
a person who utters markedly feeble witticisms |witling .`
a petty or inferior wit |witticaster .`
a person who knows wife's faithlessness and submits to it |wittol .`
to engage in irreverent wit |witwanton .`
to take for a wife; to marry a woman |wive .`
mythical two-legged winged monster |wivern .`
broad-leafed plant yielding blue dye |woad .`
ring of leather or plastic used to thread neckerchief |woggle .`
open tract of country |wold .`
a hater of women |womanthrope .`
hollow; capacious |womby .`
a person who promises miracles |wondermonger .`
prodigy; miracle; thaumaturgy |wonderwork .`
a dwelling-place; custom or habit |wone .`
state of dwelling; dwelling-place |woning .`
unaccustomed |wontless .`
mad; insane; wild |wood .`
sawdust and other wood waste used as industrial filler |woodmeal .`
overseer of a wood |woodreeve .`
spontaneous barbershop singing |woodshedding .`
wild man of the woods, used in heraldry as supporter; satyr or faun |woodwose .`
an unwell feeling; depression |woofits .`
untidy hair |woolage .`
sheep |woolbird .`
to wind a rope or chain around |woold .`
skin with the wool still on it |woolfell .`
cirrocumulus cloud; a bale or bundle of wool |woolpack .`
large wool-filled scarlet sack for the Lord Chancellor |woolsack .`
cotton and wool blend |woolsey .`
with wool next to the skin as punishment |woolward .`
road in a residential district which uses various measures to calm traffic |woonerf .`
well-off older person |woopie .`
fine wool |worcester .`
unable to find expression in words |wordbound .`
point of division in a word that runs onto the next line |wordbreak .`
verbose |wordish .`
a person who supports worker's rights |workerist .`
hating or avoiding work; lazy |workshy .`
industrious |worksome .`
a person engrossed in concerns of the present world |worldling .`
spiral heap of earth left by burrowing worm |wormcast .`
place where worms are bred |wormery .`
lump in the skin of an animal's back |wormil .`
something bitter, galling, or grievous |wormwood .`
scarecrow; hobgoblin; frightening-looking person |worricow .`
deterioration or deprecation of property without the owner's consent |worsement .`
the composition of bad poetry |worsification .`
any herb or vegetable |wort .`
infusion of malt before fermentation |wort .`
perforated plate through which wire drawn to make thinner |wortle .`
a small and shabby person |woubit .`
harmless |woundless .`
causing wounds; characterized by wounds |woundy .`
excessively; extremely |woundy .`
seaweed or wreckage cast up on shore |wrack .`
destructive |wrackful .`
position of being a wrangler at Cambridge University |wranglership .`
to caterwaul |wrawl .`
unpunished |wreakless .`
smallest or weakest of a brood |wretchock .`
to twist; to sprain; to strain |wrick .`
maker; repairer |wright .`
wristband; small strap worn around the wrist |wristlet .`
characterized by an inclination to write |writative .`
wrinkled; shriveled |writhled .`
unjust; wrongful |wrongous .`
wrathful; in commotion; stormy |wroth .`
to decay; to rot |wrox .`
agricultural machine for turning and fluffing bales of hay |wuffler .`
a nest; an aboriginal hut |wurley .`
large sausage |wurst .`
kind of beet |wurzel .`
blowing strongly with a roaring sound |wuthering .`
a Y-branching pipe or railroad track arrangement |wye .`
old English rune having value 'w' |wyn .`
narrow street or lane |wynd .`
the personification of fate or destiny |wyrd .`
yellow eel formerly used in medicinal foods |xanthareel .`
yellow; yellowish |xanthic .`
ill-tempered woman |xanthippe .`
having yellow fruit |xanthocarpous .`
yellowness of the skin |xanthochroia .`
having yellow skin |xanthochroic .`
yellow-haired |xanthocomic .`
form of colour-blindness in which only blue and yellow can be distinguished |xanthocyanopsy .`
yellow-skinned person |xanthoderm .`
one with yellow teeth |xanthodont .`
disease characterized by yellow patches on the skin |xanthoma .`
instrument for measuring colour of sea or lake water |xanthometer .`
substance causing yellow colour of autumn leaves |xanthophyll .`
a visual condition where things appear yellow |xanthopsia .`
having yellow seeds |xanthospermous .`
yellow or red-haired |xanthous .`
small three-masted pirate ship |xebec .`
fork-tailed gull |xeme .`
guide; somea person who conducts strangers |xenagogue .`
of or concerning hospitality towards guests |xenial .`
gift made to a guest or ambassador; any compulsory gift |xenium .`
indicating a substance or item foreign to the body |xenobiotic .`
government by a body of foreigners |xenocracy .`
diagnosis of disease by allowing laboratory-bred diseases to affect material |xenodiagnosis .`
love of hotels |xenodocheionology .`
hospitable; kindly to strangers |xenodochial .`
building for the reception of strangers |xenodochium .`
cross-fertilization |xenogamy .`
of a disease, derived from an individual of a different species |xenogeneic .`
generation of offspring entirely unlike the parent |xenogenesis .`
due to an outside cause |xenogenous .`
person's knowledge of a language never studied |xenoglossia .`
person's knowledge of a language never studied |xenolalia .`
fragment of extraneous rock embedded in magma or another rock |xenolith .`
divination using strangers |xenomancy .`
inordinate attachment to foreign things |xenomania .`
menstruation from abnormal orifices |xenomenia .`
having a form not its own |xenomorphic .`
love of foreigners |xenophilia .`
fear of foreigners |xenophobia .`
a small tropical rainforest bird |xenops .`
species of armadillo |xenurine .`
drying up |xeransis .`
growing in dry places |xerarch .`
abnormal dryness of the hair |xerasia .`
dry; lacking in moisture |xeric .`
photocopy |xerocopy .`
abnormal dryness of the skin |xerodermia .`
photocopying |xerography .`
eating of dry food; fast of dry food in the week preceding Easter |xerophagy .`
adaptation to very dry conditions |xerophily .`
unable to survive drought |xerophobous .`
dryness and soreness of the eyes |xerophthalmia .`
able to withstand drought |xerophytic .`
process for taking permanent pictures of X-ray images |xeroradiography .`
abnormal dryness of body parts |xerosis .`
excessive dryness of the mouth |xerostomia .`
dry and hot |xerothermic .`
dry |xerotic .`
dry friction |xerotripsis .`
process of polishing |xesturgy .`
resembling or pertaining to cotton |xilinous .`
swordfish |xiphias .`
sword-shaped |xiphoid .`
conjoined twins joined by a band of flesh on the torso |xiphopagus .`
having sword-shaped leaves |xiphophyllous .`
horseshoe crab |xiphosuran .`
primitive wooden statue overlaid with ivory and gold |xoanon .`
photographic process for producing three-dimensional images |xography .`
former monetary unit of Vietnam |xu .`
gelatinous compound found in wood |xylan .`
resembling or pertaining to xylem |xylary .`
woody portion of a plant |xylem .`
hard and woody fruit |xylocarp .`
growing on wood |xylogenous .`
wood-carving |xyloglyphy .`
art of engraving on wood |xylography .`
woody; ligneous |xyloid .`
study of wood |xylology .`
divination by examining wood found in one's path |xylomancy .`
instrument measuring specific gravity of wood |xylometer .`
wood-eating |xylophagous .`
fond of wood; living in or on wood |xylophilous .`
wood-carrying |xylophory .`
a person who sells wood |xylopolist .`
engraving designs on wood with hot poker |xylopyrography .`
combination of xylophone and marimba |xylorimba .`
use of certain sorts of wood in treating disease |xylotherapy .`
wood-cutting; wood-boring |xylotomous .`
printed from wooden blocks |xylotypographic .`
ancient Greek officer in charge of gymnastic exercises |xystarch .`
surgeon's instrument for scraping bones |xyster .`
short pike used by Greek heavy cavalry |xyston .`
covered walkway for exercises |xystus .`
large Jamaican earthenware or wooden vessel |yabba .`
small edible freshwater crayfish |yabby .`
relating to yachts |yachty .`
rod used by readers of the Torah as a pointer for following text |yad .`
to bark like a snarling dog |yaff .`
green woodpecker |yaffingale .`
synthetic diamond made of yttrium aluminum garnet |yag .`
nineteenth-century rifle |yager .`
Jewish remembrance of the first anniversary of someone's death |yahrzeit .`
tidal enclosure for catching fish |yair .`
Hindu sacrificial rite |yajna .`
box used for carrying ice on back of pack animal |yakhdan .`
animal crossbred from male yak and domestic cow |yakow .`
mythical animal resembling tusked horse with elephant's tail and used in heraldry |yale .`
posting-house along a road |yam .`
geometrical diagram designed as a meditation aid |yantra .`
hunger |yapness .`
an amphibious opossum of South America |yapok .`
limp leather binding in which cover overlaps edges of book |yapp .`
of a hawk, in good condition for hunting |yarak .`
hand of cards containing no card above nine |yarborough .`
charge for use of a yard |yardage .`
ridge formed by wind erosion parallel to prevailing winds |yardang .`
either end of the yard of a square-rigged ship |yardarm .`
donkey-engine used in logging |yarder .`
unit of land area equal to 30 acres |yardland .`
marked by quickness and agility; nimble; prepared; easily handled |yare .`
wailing; howling |yarling .`
skullcap worn by Orthodox Jewish men |yarmulke .`
tool for winding yarn into a ball |yarnwindle .`
peatbog; sandy or fibrous peat |yarpha .`
flowering herb growing in moist areas; milfoil |yarrow .`
residence of a feudal Japanese nobleman |yashiki .`
double Muslim veil leaving only eyes uncovered |yashmak .`
long curved knife or sabre |yataghan .`
species of eucalyptus tree with strong wood |yate .`
root crop of the West Indies like a yam |yautia .`
to move unsteadily side to side; to rotate about a vertical axis |yaw .`
ship's small boat; sailboat carrying mainsail and one or more jibs |yawl .`
prone to yawning; characterized by yawning |yawny .`
person of the same age |yealing .`
to give birth to a lamb or kid |yean .`
lamb; kid |yeanling .`
full of restless energy or creativity; insubstantial |yeasty .`
to go |yede .`
a burglar of safes |yegg .`
outer garment worn by Turkish women |yelek .`
to bellow; to yelp |yellow .`
cheap sensational novel |yellowback .`
a straight bundle of straw used for thatching |yelm .`
a young sow |yelt .`
old term for a female yeoman in the American naval reserve |yeomanette .`
to draw tight; to bind |yerk .`
to itch |yeuk .`
to hiccup, belch or spit |yex .`
to utter sharp little cries |yikker .`
to bury |yird .`
in alchemy, substance from which the elements developed |ylem .`
letter in Middle English representing y or 'hh' sound |yogh .`
materials used by a spiritualist |yogibogeybox .`
expression of surprise or excitement |yoicks .`
to carry heavy equipment over difficult terrain |yomp .`
yonder |yon .`
mentally or emotionally distant; absent-minded |yonderly .`
symbol representing female genitals |yoni .`
emigrants who leave Israel |yordim .`
a young person |younker .`
a little ewe |yowie .`
mustard gas |yperite .`
shaped like an upsilon |ypsiliform .`
unit of reciprocal inductance |yrneh .`
bearing yttrium |yttriferous .`
precious jade |yu .`
Russia leather |yuft .`
to itch |yuke .`
frothy custard |zabaglione .`
misuse of military authority; bullying |zabernism .`
small Spanish sailing vessel |zabra .`
flat Japanese cushion for kneeling or sitting |zabuton .`
impure cobalt oxide |zaffre .`
having a full; rounded figure |zaftig .`
investment in financial markets by a company in order to boost profits |zaitech .`
hors d'oeuvre; snack |zakuska .`
having molar teeth with V-shaped ridges |zalambdodont .`
Chilean dance where partners move around each other |zamacueca .`
sheepskin jacket |zamarra .`
Spanish percussion instrument |zambomba .`
Spanish dance |zambra .`
Italian bagpipe |zampogna .`
stuffed pigs' trotter sausage |zampone .`
a variety of European perch |zander .`
mixed twilled umbrella fabric |zanella .`
supervisor of irrigation canals |zanjero .`
buffoonery |zanyism .`
African musical instrument like castanets |zanze .`
flowing, drooping moustache |zapata .`
Latin-American dance with rhythmic tapping of the feet |zapateado .`
lively; entertaining |zappy .`
ornamental holder for hot coffee cup |zarf .`
Indian gold and silver brocade |zari .`
square fence of thorn-bushes; fortified camp |zariba .`
traditional Spanish vaudeville show; fish and shellfish stew |zarzuela .`
female genitalia |zatch .`
Burmese public meeting-hall or house of worship |zayat .`
flashy; stylish |zazzy .`
resembling or pertaining to zebras |zebrine .`
offspring of male horse and female zebra |zebrinny .`
like or resembling a zebra |zebroid .`
hybrid offspring of male zebra and female horse |zebrule .`
ox with hump and dewlap |zebu .`
aromatic root resembling ginger |zedoary .`
silver drinking-cup |zegedine .`
rhythmically occurring event that cues organisms' biological rhythms |zeitgeber .`
inmate of prison labour camp |zek .`
form of Oriental cymbal |zel .`
sister in a convent in charge of checking on conduct of other nuns |zelator .`
older nun in charge of disciplining younger nuns |zelatrix .`
irrational or fear of jealousy |zelophobia .`
of the nature of a zealot |zelotic .`
jealousy; excessive zeal in carrying out a project |zelotypia .`
Caribbean idol or totem |zeme .`
in colonial India, an indigenous revenue collector or landholder |zemindar .`
Hebrew religious song sung at Sabbath meals |zemirah .`
blind mole-rat |zemni .`
system of segregating women away from men in harems |zenana .`
large black woollen shawl worn over the head or shoulders |zendalet .`
heretic; magician |zendik .`
hall for Zen Buddhist meditation |zendo .`
measured with reference to the planet Jupiter |zenocentric .`
study of the planet Jupiter |zenography .`
square of a number |zenzic .`
eighth power of a number |zenzizenzizenzic .`
lightweight wool or worsted fabric; the west wind |zephyr .`
a variety of doughnut |zeppole .`
able to be omitted from a sentence without any loss of meaning |zeroable .`
small room or closet in a church |zeta .`
proceeding by inquiry; a search or investigation |zetetic .`
use of a word to modify two or more words in different ways |zeugma .`
imaging using nuclear magnetic resonance to study soft tissue |zeugmatography .`
stringed instrument resembling a zither |zeze .`
cross between a yak and a cow |zho .`
large ancient Turkish fiefdom |ziamet .`
soft piled wool |zibeline .`
resembling or pertaining to the sable |zibeline .`
colourless alcoholic drink made from raisins |zibib .`
Russian country dance |ziganka .`
Mesopotamian step pyramid |ziggurat .`
finger cymbals used in belly dancing |zill .`
bath-sponge |zimocca .`
of, pertaining to or containing zinc |zincic .`
bearing zinc |zinciferous .`
process of engraving or etching on zinc |zincography .`
white powder used as fungicide |zineb .`
gypsy |zingaro .`
ginger |zingiber .`
old wind instrument resembling the cornet |zinke .`
bearing zinc |zinkiferous .`
brightly coloured annual flower |zinnia .`
chrome green |zinnober .`
expression of joy among Arab women |ziraleet .`
of or pertaining to zirconium |zirconic .`
young girl; maiden |zitella .`
musical instrument with strings laid over horizontal board |zither .`
pasta shaped like large macaroni |ziti .`
chipmunk |zizel .`
spiny fruit-bearing shrub |zizyphus .`
sparkle; vim |zizz .`
delusion that one is an animal |zoanthropy .`
supporting structure for a polyp colony |zoarium .`
a person who writes about animals |zodiographer .`
living; vital |zoetic .`
slotted rotating cylinder producing primitive animation |zoetrope .`
optical device for viewing stereoscopic images |zograscope .`
veterinary surgery |zoiatrics .`
resembling or pertaining to animals; containing evidence of life |zoic .`
carping and unjust criticism |zoilism .`
doctrine that life originates from a single vital principle |zoism .`
customs union |zollverein .`
old Russian unit of weight equal to 1/6 of an ounce |zolotnik .`
medical treatment using raw meat |zomotherapy .`
girdle or belt; patch or band |zona .`
of or like a zone; arranged in zones |zonal .`
of or pertaining to a girdle or purse |zonarious .`
of or like a zone; arranged in zones |zonary .`
a little zone |zonelet .`
like a zone |zonoid .`
small zone |zonule .`
a small belt or girdle |zonulet .`
small South African lizard |zonure .`
study of animal remains of archaeological sites |zooarchaeology .`
centred on the animal world |zoocentric .`
animal-headed |zoocephalic .`
chemistry of animals |zoochemistry .`
of seeds or spores spread by animals |zoochorous .`
spread of plant seeds or spores by animals |zoochory .`
domestication of animals |zooculture .`
a hollow vessel |zoocytium .`
an exclamation |zoodikers .`
dynamics of animal bodies |zoodynamics .`
sexual reproduction of animals |zoogamy .`
produced from animals |zoogenic .`
study of geographic distribution of animals |zoogeography .`
study of fossil animal remains |zoogeology .`
giving birth to live offspring |zoogonous .`
tissue from an animal grafted to a human |zoograft .`
the painting or description of animals |zoography .`
device for depicting the movement of animals through rotating images |zoogyroscope .`
asexually produced organism resembling an animal |zooid .`
excessive devotion to animals or pets |zoolatry .`
fossil animal |zoolite .`
animal magnetism |zoomagnetism .`
divination by observing animals |zoomancy .`
insane fondness for animals |zoomania .`
measurement of animals |zoometry .`
imitating an animal or part of an animal |zoomimetic .`
having the form or shape of an animal |zoomorphic .`
conception of a god or man in animal form |zoomorphism .`
organism regarded as a complete animal |zoon .`
resembling or pertaining to or derived from animals |zoonic .`
animal physiology |zoonomy .`
disease of animals which can be transmitted to humans |zoonosis .`
study of animal diseases |zoonosology .`
study of animal diseases |zoopathology .`
experimentation on animals |zoopery .`
eating animals |zoophagy .`
loving or caring for animals; bestiality |zoophilia .`
loving or caring for animals; bestiality |zoophily .`
fear of animals |zoophobia .`
continuous frieze depicting humans and animals |zoophorus .`
physics of animal bodies |zoophysics .`
study of physiology of animals |zoophysiology .`
plant-like animal such as coral |zoophyte .`
study of plant-like animals |zoophytology .`
device for depicting the movement of animals through rotating images |zoopraxiscope .`
hallucination that one is seeing animals |zooscopy .`
study of animal communication |zoosemiotics .`
knowledge or learning concerning animals |zoosophy .`
science of classifying animals |zootaxy .`
science of breeding animals |zootechnics .`
premature burial |zoothapsis .`
attribution of divine qualities to animals |zootheism .`
veterinary therapeutics |zootherapy .`
dissection of animals; comparative anatomy |zootomy .`
poison derived from animal |zootoxin .`
feeding or tending of animals |zootrophy .`
animal serving as a type; figure of an animal used to represent a deity |zootype .`
combination of wax and pitch used for medicinal purposes |zopissa .`
syncopated; limping (in music) |zoppa .`
medieval Italian limping hop dance |zoppetto .`
Japanese thonged sandals |zori .`
euphemism for skunk fur |zorino .`
a girdle |zoster .`
shaped like a girdle |zosteriform .`
small tropical bird with a ring of white feathers around the eyes |zosterops .`
Caribbean disco dance and corresponding type of fast rhythmic music |zouk .`
mild oath |zounds .`
perennial subtropical grass |zoysia .`
vodka flavoured with sweet-grass |zubrowka .`
gourd |zucca .`
round skullcap worn by Catholic clergy to indicate rank |zucchetto .`
tree stump |zuche .`
small flute used to train songbirds |zufolo .`
waterproof leather used for boots |zug .`
slide trumpet |zugtrompete .`
chess blockade |zugzwang .`
in heraldry, a chess rook |zule .`
South American hummingbird |zumbador .`
small cannon carried on the back of a camel |zumbooruk .`
fish soup |zuppa .`
Yugoslavian shawm |zurla .`
Turkish bagpipe or shawm |zurna .`
sweet toasted biscuit |zwieback .`
chess move made to play for time |zwischenzug .`
ion carrying both a positive and negative charge |zwitterion .`
Louisiana Creole dance music |zydeco .`
formed like the letter H; resembling or pertaining to a yoke or union |zygal .`
legally supported constraint on human freedom |zygnomic .`
having two toes in front and two behind |zygodactylic .`
science of joining and fastening |zygology .`
bony arch on the side of the skull |zygoma .`
bilaterally symmetrical |zygomorphic .`
connecting bar |zygon .`
bilaterally symmetrical |zygopleural .`
conjugation |zygosis .`
resembling or pertaining to fermentation |zymic .`
priest using leavened bread during communion |zymite .`
causing fermentation |zymogenic .`
science of fermentation |zymology .`
instrument for measuring fermentation |zymometer .`
instrument for measuring fermentation |zymosimeter .`
fermentation |zymosis .`
the art of fermentation |zymotechnics .`
resembling or pertaining to fermentation |zymotic .`
branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling |zymurgy .`
ancient Egyptian beer |zythum .`
South American weevil |zyzzyva .`
Condemnation of a convicted defendent to death | death .`

One who is out to subvert a government : Anarchist. `
One who is recovering from illness : Convalescent . `
One who is all powerful : Omnipotent. `
One who is present everywhere : Omnipresent . `
One who knows everything : Omniscient. `
One who is easily deceived : Gullible. `
One who does not make mistakes : Infallible . `
One who can do anything for money : Mercenary. `
One who has no money : Pauper . `
One who changes sides : Turncoat. `
One who works for free : Volunteer. `
One who loves books : Bibliophile . `
One who can speak two languages : Bilingual. `
One who loves mankind : Philanthropist. `
One who hates mankind : Misanthrope . `
One who looks on the bright side of things : Optimist . `
One who looks on the dark side of things : Pessimist. `
One who doubts the existence of god : Agnostic. `
One who pretends to be what he is not : Hypocrite. `
One incapable of being tired : Indefatigable. `
One who helps others Good Samaritan. `
One who copies from other writers : Plagiarist . `
One who hates women : Misogynist . `
One who knows many languages : Polyglot. `
One who is fond of sensuous pleasures : Epicure. `
One who thinks only of himself : Egoist . `
One who thinks only of welfare of women : Feminist. `
One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain : Stoic. `
One who is quite like a woman : Effeminate . `
One who has strange habits : Eccentric. `
One who speaks less : Reticent . `
One who goes on foot : Pedestrian . `
One who believes in fate : Fatalist. `
One who dies without a Will : Intestate. `
One who always thinks himself to be ill : Valetudinarian . `
A Government by the people : Democracy . `
A Government by a king or queen : Monarchy. `
A Government by the officials : Bureaucracy. `
A Government by the rich : Plutocracy . `
A Government by the few : Oligarchy. `
A Government by the Nobles : Aristocracy . `
A Government by one : Autocracy. `
Rule by the mob : Mobocracy. `
That through which light can pass : Transparent . `
That through which light cannot pass : Opaque. `
That through which light can partly pass : Translucent. `
A sentence whose meaning is unclear : Ambiguous. `
A place where orphans live : Orphanage . `
That which cannot be described : Indescribable . `
That which cannot be imitated : Inimitable . `
That which cannot be avoided : Inevitable . `
A position for which no salary is paid : Honorary. `
That which cannot be defended : Indefensible . `
Practice of having several wives : Polygamy . `
Practice of having several husbands : Polyandry. `
Practice of having one wife or husband : Monogamy. `
Practice of having two wives or husbands : Bigamy . `
That which is not likely to happen : Improbable. `
People living at the same time : Contemporaries. `
A book published after the death of its author : Posthumas. `
A book written by an unknown author : Anonymous. `
A life history written by oneself : Autobiography . `
A life history written by somebody else : Biography . `
People who work together : Colleagues . `
One who eats too much : Glutton . `
That which cannot be satisfied : Insatiable . `
One who questions everything : Cynic . `
A flesh eating animal : Carnivorous . `
A grass eating animal : Herbivorous. `
One who lives in a foreign country : Immigrant . `
To transfer one's authority to another : Delegate . `
One who is a newcomer : Neophyte . `
That which is lawful : Legal. `
That which is against law : Illegal . `
One who is unmarried : Celibate . `
A game in which no one wins : Draw. `
A study of man : Anthropology. `
A study of races : Ethnology. `
A study of the body : Physiology . `
A study of animals : Zoology. `
A study of birds : Ornithology . `
A study of ancient things : Archaeology. `
A study of derivation of words : Etymology. `
Murder of a human being : Homicide. `
Murder of a father : Patricide . `
Murder of a mother : Matricide . `
Murder of an brother : Fratricide. `
Murder of an infant : Infanticide. `
Murder of self : Suicide. `
Murder of the king : Regicide. `
To free somebody from all blame : Exonerate. `
To write under a different name : Pseudonym. `
A thing no longer in use : Obsolete . `
A handwriting that cannot be read : Illegible. `
Words written on the tomb of a person : Epitaph . `
One who is greedy for money : Avaricious. `
Something that cannot be imitated : Inimitable . `
One who doesn't know how to read and write : Illiterate . `
A person's peculiar habit : Idiosyncrasy. `
An animal who preys on other animals : Predator. `
Violating the sanctity of a church : Sacrilege . `
One who can throw his voice : Ventriloquist . `

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